Category: Junior

Charities Week!

29th January 2016

Our annual week of fundraising Charities Week is a long-standing tradition at St Augustine’s Priory.  Every year the whole school community joins forces to raise funds for the charities chosen by the school Houses.  This year it will take place next week and from Monday 1st to Friday 5th February there will be an assortment…

St Augustine’s Priory Road Safety Week

29th January 2016

Attention to what? The hustle and bustle of modern city living is considered, by many, a thrill. An inexhaustible supply of communication, entertainment, news and attention, keeps our young Augustinians’ eyes and ears on ready alert. But in this mire of competing distractions, how readily do our girls’ senses focus on that which they should?…

A Sixth Former’s Musical Journey

28th January 2016

Learning a musical instrument! Rhiannon Phillips, Upper VI, is an enthusiastic flautist of great ability.  And, as she writes below, taking up a musical instrument is something she would recommend to everybody: ‘I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow you all away with my 24 note chromatic scale in the key of G! Many…

A Stitch in Time: Designing the Long Kneelers

27th January 2016

The stitches multiply From the Nursery to Upper VI during January the whole school was involved in our A Stitch in Time Project. The smaller kneelers have been designed and are in production with the whole school, staff, past pupils and Governors embroidering and spreading the kneelers far and wide – even going as far…

Upper II Debaters

26th January 2016

Debating Matters “Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.” Archbishop Desmond Tutu Upper II are honing their debating skills in readiness for a visit to the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday 27th January.  On that day they are taking part in a Your Voice Tour and Workshop and, in preparation, have conducted some serious debates….

Mount Carmel visits

21st January 2016

Year 5 enjoys a day of Science and Art Continuing with our programme of partnerships with local Catholic primary schools Mrs Tippen, Deputy Head Juniors, reports on the visit of Year 5 from Mount Carmel Catholic Primary school on 14th January: ‘On Thursday we hosted 56 Year 5 pupils from Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School. …

Upper I researches Magna Carta

20th January 2016

Historical focus at Assembly Miss O’Connell, Form Teacher Upper I, has gathered some reports from the pupils in her class who last week led the Junior Assembly on Magna Carta. The Great Charter was signed by King John at Runnymede, near Windsor in 1215 and Upper I shared their findings in a great performance: Fern…

Calling Lower II to Upper IV scientists!

14th January 2016

Young Scientist of the Year Ms Hayden, Head of Physics, announces the launch of this year’s St Augustine’s Priory Young Scientist of the Year Competition: ‘We are pleased to announce the return of the St. Augustine’s Priory Young Scientist of the Year Competition, which was launched on 11th January and will run until 29th April….

Here Be Dragons!

11th January 2016

Lower I make new friends… Lower I is learning about Dragons, Myths and Legends in their English lessons.  To encourage the pupils to think very seriously about dragons and their role in our history, culture and literature Mrs Van Der Merwe, Form Teacher, Lower I, invited some fiery visitors to the school to demonstrate their…

Prep III: Art Critics

11th January 2016

Reporting on the National Gallery During the last half of last term Prep III learnt how to be newshounds in their English lessons.  During their visit to the National Gallery on 3rd December they used these skills to analyse and report on the paintings of the Nativity they saw and studied as part of their…