Entry into Year 7 – Joining at 11+

The main entry point into the Senior School is at 11+. We understand that this is a major decision and we would encourage you to attend one of our Open Events or contact us for a bespoke visit to the Senior School to see the school in person, meet our pupils and staff and hear more about our admissions process.

The Admissions Process

As part of the admissions process at St Augustine’s Priory, following receipt of your application, we will ask your current school for a confidential reference for your daughter.

St Augustine’s Priory is part of the London 11+ Consortium which is a number of schools with an agreed an co-ordinated approach to the 11+ assessment. As members of the Consortium, all candidates for Year 7 entry in September 2025 will be required to sit the bespoke online Consortium Test. When you apply to St Augustine’s Priory, you will be asked via our application form where your daughter will sit the 11+ assessment. If your daughter’s current school is hosting the Consortium test, your daughter is welcome to sit the test there on any of the three Consortium Assessment dates (Friday 29th November, 3rd December and 5th December 2024). If not, your daughter can sit the assessment here at St Augustine’s Priory or in any of the London 11+ Consortium schools you have applied to.  We will be inviting candidates to sit the bespoke Consortium assessment at St Augustine’s Priory on Friday 29th November 2024.  We will only offer the assessment at St Augustine’s Priory on one day.

The Assessment

The assessment goes beyond testing cognitive ability alone and seeks to discover a child’s potential in creative and critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and problem-solving. This test will be 100 minutes in total (1 hour 40 minutes) and there will be a 30 minute break in the middle. During the exam, candidates will see a clock on their screen that will count down in minutes showing them how long they have left for each section.  The six different areas of the assessment are Maths, Non Verbal Reasoning, English, Verbal Reasoning, Puzzles an Problem Solving ad Comprehension.

Part 1: (Adaptive)

  • 20 minutes for Maths
  • 10 minutes for Non-Verbal Reasoning
  • 20 minutes for English comprehension
  • 10 minutes for Verbal Reasoning

Break: 30 minutes

Part 2: (Non-Adaptive)

  • 15 minutes for Puzzles and Problem Solving
  • 25 minutes for the Creative Comprehension

Adaptive means tailored to the pupil’s performance.

The assessment was designed for the Consortium and is almost entirely bespoke an designed in partnership with a group of primary and secondary curriculum specialists in Consortium schools.

The FAQs are available now on the Consortium website and full details including the Code of Practice and Familiarisation Materials are available.

Selection Day at St Augustine’s Priory

Our Selection Day, which includes candidate interviews, a range of activities and a visit to Priory Farm, will take place on Friday 10th January 2025.  We advise all applicant families to record this date in their diary and keep the date fee. All applications to St Augustine’s Priory are interviewed despite the assessment result. 11+ Scholarship interviews and assessments will also take place on Selection Day.  Please check our Scholarships page for more details.

The aim is of the process is to identify potential as well as the ability to access the curriculum at the pace at which it is taught.  St Augustine’s Priory is looking for academically strong, well-rounded pupils with a genuine interest in education in the broadest sense of the word, with interests that stretch beyond the confines of the academic curriculum.  The school has strong traditions in music, drama, art, community activities and sport.  There are many extra-curricular activities, all of which are important in developing a well-balanced, confident individual.

Important Dates

Dates for entry into Year 7 in September 2025

  • Registration Deadline: Friday 8th November 2024
  • Consortium Assessment dates: Friday 29th November, 3rd December and 5th December 2024
  • Consortium Assessment date at St Augustine’s Priory: Friday 29th November 2024 (only)
  • Selection Day: Friday 10th January 2025
  • Offers Day: Friday 14th February 2025
  • Acceptance Deadline: 12 noon on Thursday 6th March 2025

Click Here For Online Registration Form

Key Facts

  • The assessment will be taken as an online assessment.
  • Candidates eligible for additional time will be granted this in accordance with JCQ rules, if the request is made and evidence is provided before the application deadline.  The extra time will automatically be added to the candidates’ individual exam clock.
  • Candidates will either sit the assessment in their current school or at one of the Consortium schools to which they have applied, if their current school is unable to provide this facility.
  • The onus is on the applicant family to ask their current school if they are hosting the assessment and to find out the arrangements. St Augustine’s Priory will provide the applicant’s Headteacher with a unique access code for their daughter to be able to sit the assessment at her current school.
  • We recommend all applicants practise the London 11+ Consortium Familiarisation Test to understand the six different areas of the assessment. The six different areas of the assessment are: Maths; Non Verbal Reasoning; English; Verbal Reasoning; Puzzles and Problem Solving and Creative Comprehension.
  • Candidates can only sit the assessment once, irrespective of the number of Consortium schools to which they are applying.
  • If the applicant is sitting at a Consortium school, the applicant may have either a morning or an afternoon assessment. Consortium Schools will advise their applicants of the exact date and start time for their sitting.