
Able, Gifted & Talented

Our mission at St Augustine’s is unashamedly to maximise each girl’s academic potential. We value every subject equally and offer a broad range of subjects at GCSE and A Level.

Able, Gifted & Talented

The girls avail themselves of a broad and varied curriculum, taught by exceptional and passionate teachers. Core curriculum subjects are taught, including English, Mathematics, Religious Studies and Science, together with a range of other Humanities and Arts subjects. In addition, a number of languages including Russian, French and Spanish, are on offer. Classical Civilisation is also taught. Our ambitious Science Department has set up our very own Priory Farm with the unique opportunity for girls interested in the wider application of Science. The curriculum is underpinned by an Enrichment programme and complemented by educational visits, talks and expeditions.

St Augustine’s Priory girls enjoyed outstanding A Level results – click Here to see more.

Our GCSE pupils have also deservedly received outstanding results.

While we rightly celebrate with girls who have earned the top grades, we also rejoice with all girls who have exceeded expectations at every level. Every grade is well deserved.


Where talent is nurtured and ideas are explored. Our girls are encouraged to develop meaningful and contemporary art that embraces a multi-disciplinary practice and intellectual thought.


Studying Art is an intellectual pursuit and we have high expectations for our girls to engage in art practice exploring culture, emotion, spirituality, truth, controversy and aesthetics.

100% of Art applicants have secured places on prestigious Art Foundation and degree courses, including Kingston, Loughborough, London College of Fashion, Leeds, Ravensbourne and Central St Martin’s.

We believe that contemporary art practice is multi-disciplinary and we expose our students to a diverse range of art practices, from drawing and painting to print and sculpture, dressmaking to fine art textiles, design and digital manipulation, photography and film. We facilitate our girls in finding a concept and method of working that suits their interests and aspirations. Girls contribute to a broad range of school events, from creating the Carol Service programme to designing the set for the whole school production.

Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 2)

In the Pre-Preps we engage students in their visual world through practical making.  Through addressing themes such as colour, pattern and texture in nature, students explore media and produce work of varied sizes, shapes and forms. At this stage we nurture a love of Art and enthusiasm for making.

Preps (Years 3-6)

Building on their experiences, Prep students embark on more focused Art making and creativity. In-depth discussions on artistic practices in Western and other cultures lead to artistic journeys and the development of personal artwork. Introducing new craft processes and developing artistic skills enables students to make art effectively. Students are taught to use Photoshop to manipulate imagery digitally as well as how to use a sewing machine to draw with. Foundation skills in drawing, painting and sculpture are also taught as part of the KS2 curriculum.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

Senior Art students are encouraged to express their thoughts and identity through Art. An appreciation of diversity in our world and a search for truth through personal and creative expression forms the backbone of senior Art education. Students gain confidence in their artistic abilities and creative ideas and document their journey creatively in sketchbooks. Utilising digital media to create and document Art is also encouraged. This stage of their education focuses on the refinement of existing skills and engagement with an ever-increasing portfolio of processes and techniques such as etching, book-binding, screenprinting, dress-making, digital film and animation and photography.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

In GCSE Art, students embark on Edexcel’s Unendorsed Art & Design Course. This complements the multi-disciplinary approach that we have in our department and enables students to carve a personal pathway in terms of both concept and selection of media and processes.

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

We offer Unendorsed Art, Craft & Design and Endorsed Digital and Lens-based Photography at A Level. Students can choose to do one or both courses and many go on to study Art at Foundation and Undergraduate level. Students are encouraged to visit relevant institutions and participate in external artistic opportunities such as debates, portfolio classes, artist talks and workshops.  Students attend university fairs, open days and degree shows and are supported in their applications through in-depth discussions and portfolio reviews with their teachers.

Co-Curricular & Enrichment

Art is very popular at St Augustine’s Priory and students enjoy a range of opportunities from visiting Art galleries and participating in artist-led workshops to attending regular clubs ranging from textiles to photography.


I would make them all learn English: and then I would let the clever ones learn Latin as an honour, and Greek as a treat.


In the Classics Department at St Augustine’s Priory we encourage our students to use the ancient world, in all its variety, as a springboard for exploring and understanding our own similarly complex and diverse world.  Whether you are interested in languages, literature, art or politics, the Classical World profoundly influenced western civilization, and to study its works is to discover a lot of what makes us who we are.

Depending on the talents and interests of the student, each girl has the opportunity to study Classical Civilisation throughout her time with us in the Seniors. Our pupils can follow classical civilisation at GCSE and A Level. From sculpture to vase painting, from history and culture of classical Athens to the archaeology of the Mycenaean  Bronze Age, and from Greek drama to the epics of Homer and Virgil in translation, our pupils are truly preparing themselves for life!

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

Classical Civilisation

Classical Civilisation is introduced at Key Stage 3 as a modular course for non-linguists, which prepares pupils for studying the subject at GCSE.  The course explores the ancient world through key areas such as ancient drama, gods and religion, sculpture, as well as art and architecture, and explores the influence that these have had on our own culture and society.

Our mission at St Augustine’s is unashamedly to maximise each girl’s academic potential. We value every subject equally and offer a broad range of subjects at GCSE and A Level.

Able, Gifted & Talented

The girls avail themselves of a broad and varied curriculum, taught by exceptional and passionate teachers. Core curriculum subjects are taught, including English, Mathematics, Religious Studies and Science, together with a range of other Humanities and Arts subjects. In addition, a number of languages including Russian, French and Spanish, are on offer. Classical Civilisation is also taught. Our ambitious Science Department has set up our very own Priory Farm with the unique opportunity for girls interested in the wider application of Science. The curriculum is underpinned by an Enrichment programme and complemented by educational visits, talks and expeditions.

St Augustine’s Priory girls enjoyed outstanding A Level results – click Here to see more.

Our GCSE pupils have also deservedly received outstanding results.

While we rightly celebrate with girls who have earned the top grades, we also rejoice with all girls who have exceeded expectations at every level. Every grade is well deserved.

Where talent is nurtured and ideas are explored. Our girls are encouraged to develop meaningful and contemporary art that embraces a multi-disciplinary practice and intellectual thought.


Studying Art is an intellectual pursuit and we have high expectations for our girls to engage in art practice exploring culture, emotion, spirituality, truth, controversy and aesthetics.

100% of Art applicants have secured places on prestigious Art Foundation and degree courses, including Kingston, Loughborough, London College of Fashion, Leeds, Ravensbourne and Central St Martin’s.

We believe that contemporary art practice is multi-disciplinary and we expose our students to a diverse range of art practices, from drawing and painting to print and sculpture, dressmaking to fine art textiles, design and digital manipulation, photography and film. We facilitate our girls in finding a concept and method of working that suits their interests and aspirations. Girls contribute to a broad range of school events, from creating the Carol Service programme to designing the set for the whole school production.

Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 2)

In the Pre-Preps we engage students in their visual world through practical making.  Through addressing themes such as colour, pattern and texture in nature, students explore media and produce work of varied sizes, shapes and forms. At this stage we nurture a love of Art and enthusiasm for making.

Preps (Years 3-6)

Building on their experiences, Prep students embark on more focused Art making and creativity. In-depth discussions on artistic practices in Western and other cultures lead to artistic journeys and the development of personal artwork. Introducing new craft processes and developing artistic skills enables students to make art effectively. Students are taught to use Photoshop to manipulate imagery digitally as well as how to use a sewing machine to draw with. Foundation skills in drawing, painting and sculpture are also taught as part of the KS2 curriculum.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

Senior Art students are encouraged to express their thoughts and identity through Art. An appreciation of diversity in our world and a search for truth through personal and creative expression forms the backbone of senior Art education. Students gain confidence in their artistic abilities and creative ideas and document their journey creatively in sketchbooks. Utilising digital media to create and document Art is also encouraged. This stage of their education focuses on the refinement of existing skills and engagement with an ever-increasing portfolio of processes and techniques such as etching, book-binding, screenprinting, dress-making, digital film and animation and photography.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

In GCSE Art, students embark on Edexcel’s Unendorsed Art & Design Course. This complements the multi-disciplinary approach that we have in our department and enables students to carve a personal pathway in terms of both concept and selection of media and processes.

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

We offer Unendorsed Art, Craft & Design and Endorsed Digital and Lens-based Photography at A Level. Students can choose to do one or both courses and many go on to study Art at Foundation and Undergraduate level. Students are encouraged to visit relevant institutions and participate in external artistic opportunities such as debates, portfolio classes, artist talks and workshops.  Students attend university fairs, open days and degree shows and are supported in their applications through in-depth discussions and portfolio reviews with their teachers.

Co-Curricular & Enrichment

Art is very popular at St Augustine’s Priory and students enjoy a range of opportunities from visiting Art galleries and participating in artist-led workshops to attending regular clubs ranging from textiles to photography.

I would make them all learn English: and then I would let the clever ones learn Latin as an honour, and Greek as a treat.


In the Classics Department at St Augustine’s Priory we encourage our students to use the ancient world, in all its variety, as a springboard for exploring and understanding our own similarly complex and diverse world.  Whether you are interested in languages, literature, art or politics, the Classical World profoundly influenced western civilization, and to study its works is to discover a lot of what makes us who we are.

Depending on the talents and interests of the student, each girl has the opportunity to study Classical Civilisation throughout her time with us in the Seniors. Our pupils can follow classical civilisation at GCSE and A Level. From sculpture to vase painting, from history and culture of classical Athens to the archaeology of the Mycenaean  Bronze Age, and from Greek drama to the epics of Homer and Virgil in translation, our pupils are truly preparing themselves for life!

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

Classical Civilisation

Classical Civilisation is introduced at Key Stage 3 as a modular course for non-linguists, which prepares pupils for studying the subject at GCSE.  The course explores the ancient world through key areas such as ancient drama, gods and religion, sculpture, as well as art and architecture, and explores the influence that these have had on our own culture and society.

Computer Studies

The computer was born to solve problems that did not exist before.

Computer Studies

At St Augustine’s Priory we believe that Computer Studies enables our students to become the problem solvers of the future. By developing computational thinking skills our students will have the confidence to apply effective logical and analytical approaches to a range of subjects and challenges.

We want our students to question and challenge the technological world around them and consider solutions to problems we face in our everyday lives, no matter how big or small they may be.

Each year we take part in the Oxford University Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge.  This year a number of our girls were amongst the highest achievers in the competition.

Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 2)

As an introduction to computational thinking our Pre-Prep students develop their understanding of algorithms and logical reasoning. They also work across a number of platforms to create and debug simple programs.

In addition to this we understand the importance of developing basic mouse and keyboard skills as well as the need to create content for different audiences. We cannot ignore the importance of staying safe online and there are numerous initiatives in and out of computing lessons that focus on the safe use of the web as well as how young children can share concerns about what they experience online.

Preps (Years 3-6)

At this stage our students will have a better understanding of algorithms and this continues to be developed. Students learn how to decompose problems, work with control systems and make use of basic examples of programming techniques such as repetition and selection.

Effective use of the web is a key focus and staying safe online and evaluating online content continues to feature. The importance of developing good online habits and knowing how to behave online is also emphasised.

Years 7-9 (Key stage 3)

Our students start to work directly with algorithms through text and based programming environments. Use of Python and Small Basic are examples of the languages we use. Other units of work include cryptography, binary data representation, cyber security and networks as well as others.

Years 10-11 (Key stage 4)

GCSE Computing is offered to all students who are interested in Computer Science. Being mathematically minded is useful but not essential. A willingness to problem solve and a level of resilience is however!

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

The impact of the subject continuing to grow at KS4 has meant that more of our students are interested in studying the subject at A Level and beyond.

Co-Curricular & Enrichment

We offer a programming lunch-time club open to all students in Year 7 and Year 11 who would like to learn programming techniques in Python.
In addition, we run an event based around the theme of an ‘Escape Room’ in our cellar or elsewhere in the school grounds which runs in the Summer Term, during which nearly 200 participants attempt to take first place in escaping and problem solving!
Our Year 9 girls are also given the opportunity to visit Bletchley Park. Students will use practical problem-solving and team work skills as they begin to understand the scale of the task faced by Bletchley Park’s infamous codebreakers during World War Two.


This is what we pay fees for – such high quality productions and experiences for our children.


The St Augustine’s Priory Drama Department develops individuality, encouraging students to express themselves with flair and confidence.

Children perform in or design theatre productions, or help out behind the scenes. Studying Drama engages the creative side of the brain and provides an ideal balance in students’ methods of study. Drama is a natural foundation to a well-developed sense of self.

We organise regular theatre visits for girls from all years and pupils have access to streamed theatre performances via Drama Online Library.

Theatre professionals come into school to perform plays and deliver workshops.

Our Senior Drama Studio is fitted with state of the art audio-visual equipment giving girls the potential to produce multi-media productions. Our outdoor stage is a perfect platform for girls to blend ancient theatre tradition and contemporary concepts.

Pre-Preps (Nursery – Year 2)

In the Pre-Preps the emphasis is on the development of self-expression, creativity and confidence. In Prep II (Year 1) and Prep III (Year 2) Drama is delivered discretely within the English curriculum.  Each term girls prepare a performance to an audience; nativity plays (Michaelmas Term), the Spring Concert (Lent Term) and Songs and Certificates in the Summer Term.

Preps (Years 3–6)

The aim of Drama at this stage is to develop the girls’ confidence, drama skills and teamwork. Girls in Year 4 and Year 6 produce performances for an audience.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

The girls scrutinize genres and dramatic conventions, devising and presenting scripted and improvised dramas.  They gain an understanding of how theatre can communicate in innovative, challenging ways.

In the Michaelmas Term, Year 7 girls perform a themed showcase and Year 8 perform in our Shakespeare Festival presented at Association Day. Girls in Year 9 produce end of Key Stage productions.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

Drama is a popular choice at GCSE and requires the presentation of devised and scripted work, through either performance or design and the examination of the girls’ knowledge and understanding of different dramatic techniques and forms.

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

Drama and Theatre Studies at A Level develops students’ understanding of how theoretical and analytical study of drama is integrated with practical work. Students study and create theatre through drawing on various historical, cultural and contemporary theatre practices.

Co-curricular and Enrichment activities:


LAMDA examinations are very popular in the Preps.


The biennial Senior School Production enables girls from Year 7 to Year 13 to work together on stage and backstage in a professional theatre environment. Recent shows include: Sister Act: The Musical (2023), Chicago: High School Edition (2019), Little Shop of Horrors (2017), The Comedy of Errors (2015) Guys and Dolls (2013), and The Ash Girl (2012). This year we will be staging The Addams Family at The Questors Theatre, Ealing.

Senior school students with an aptitude for performance and performance support are invited to participate in workshops and public performance projects, such as the Shakespeare Schools Festival at Watermans Arts Centre, as part of the Drama Gifted Pathway (DGP).



Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become.


The English Department at St Augustine’s Priory produces ambitious, stimulating and successful work that demonstrates academic purpose and a keen sense of intellectual pursuit.  Girls construct scholarly, fluent and sophisticated arguments based on critical and thoughtful understanding of texts, and fully grasp the opportunities for freedom and ownership of study.

We have an excellent track record in the Young People’s Poetry Competition at the Chiswick Book Festival, a competition open to students aged between eight to twelve years old, where we regularly win prizes.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

We study a wide variety of texts in order to ensure a well-rounded experience in English during these three years. Each text presents a slightly different style and an opportunity  to gain knowledge, understanding and learn new skills. We encourage all girls to read widely from an early age, to accelerate their depth of understanding and strengthen the foundation on which to build in Key Stage 4.

Our focus at this stage is to ensure girls are developing their reading and writing skills appropriately. We ensure that they achieve an excellent level of comprehension and that their basic spelling and grammatical skills are consistently good. Pupils become familiar with a range of texts including narrative, drama and poetry. They build on this knowledge by starting to think about their own opinions through extended work and summer projects.

The topics and themes that pupils study become increasingly complex. Students progressively tackle more challenging tasks such as purposive writing. This introduces them to the reasons behind writers’ choice of different styles and techniques, preparing for the next stage in their study of English.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

St Augustine’s Priory teaches the OCR English Language and English Literature specifications. These are engaging courses which strike a model balance between academic rigour and creativity. The two courses complement each other well, providing students with a broad range of transferable skills and a strong foundation on which to build in Key Stage 5.

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

St Augustine’s Priory teaches the AQA English Literature A specification. This is an excellent course with rigorous academic demands and opportunities for creativity.  Students embrace an historicist approach to the study of literature, focusing on a range of poetry, prose and drama with shared themes. We explore the relationships which exist between texts and the context within which they are written, received and understood. Encouraging students to debate and challenge interpretations, developing their own informed opinions, leads to a greater depth of understanding and a holistic view of English literature.

Co-curricular & Enrichment

Creative writing plays an important part in the work of the department.   We offer the very popular weekly Creative Writing Club and several pupils from Year 9, who attend the club, ran a brilliant workshop for Year 7 during Book Week.

We celebrate the girls’ achievements by displaying their work around the school and are delighted with the inaugural edition of ‘Scribe: Poetry and Prose at the Priory’.  Please click on this link to access the online flip book version of Scribe.

Pupils in the Senior School and Sixth Form attend theatre productions such as The Duchess of Malfi at the RSC in Stratford and visit locations from literature such as the Foundling Hospital in connection with their study of Coram Boy.

Scribe Volume III

The computer was born to solve problems that did not exist before.

Computer Studies

At St Augustine’s Priory we believe that Computer Studies enables our students to become the problem solvers of the future. By developing computational thinking skills our students will have the confidence to apply effective logical and analytical approaches to a range of subjects and challenges.

We want our students to question and challenge the technological world around them and consider solutions to problems we face in our everyday lives, no matter how big or small they may be.

Each year we take part in the Oxford University Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge.  This year a number of our girls were amongst the highest achievers in the competition.

Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 2)

As an introduction to computational thinking our Pre-Prep students develop their understanding of algorithms and logical reasoning. They also work across a number of platforms to create and debug simple programs.

In addition to this we understand the importance of developing basic mouse and keyboard skills as well as the need to create content for different audiences. We cannot ignore the importance of staying safe online and there are numerous initiatives in and out of computing lessons that focus on the safe use of the web as well as how young children can share concerns about what they experience online.

Preps (Years 3-6)

At this stage our students will have a better understanding of algorithms and this continues to be developed. Students learn how to decompose problems, work with control systems and make use of basic examples of programming techniques such as repetition and selection.

Effective use of the web is a key focus and staying safe online and evaluating online content continues to feature. The importance of developing good online habits and knowing how to behave online is also emphasised.

Years 7-9 (Key stage 3)

Our students start to work directly with algorithms through text and based programming environments. Use of Python and Small Basic are examples of the languages we use. Other units of work include cryptography, binary data representation, cyber security and networks as well as others.

Years 10-11 (Key stage 4)

GCSE Computing is offered to all students who are interested in Computer Science. Being mathematically minded is useful but not essential. A willingness to problem solve and a level of resilience is however!

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

The impact of the subject continuing to grow at KS4 has meant that more of our students are interested in studying the subject at A Level and beyond.

Co-Curricular & Enrichment

We offer a programming lunch-time club open to all students in Year 7 and Year 11 who would like to learn programming techniques in Python.
In addition, we run an event based around the theme of an ‘Escape Room’ in our cellar or elsewhere in the school grounds which runs in the Summer Term, during which nearly 200 participants attempt to take first place in escaping and problem solving!
Our Year 9 girls are also given the opportunity to visit Bletchley Park. Students will use practical problem-solving and team work skills as they begin to understand the scale of the task faced by Bletchley Park’s infamous codebreakers during World War Two.
This is what we pay fees for – such high quality productions and experiences for our children.


The St Augustine’s Priory Drama Department develops individuality, encouraging students to express themselves with flair and confidence.

Children perform in or design theatre productions, or help out behind the scenes. Studying Drama engages the creative side of the brain and provides an ideal balance in students’ methods of study. Drama is a natural foundation to a well-developed sense of self.

We organise regular theatre visits for girls from all years and pupils have access to streamed theatre performances via Drama Online Library.

Theatre professionals come into school to perform plays and deliver workshops.

Our Senior Drama Studio is fitted with state of the art audio-visual equipment giving girls the potential to produce multi-media productions. Our outdoor stage is a perfect platform for girls to blend ancient theatre tradition and contemporary concepts.

Pre-Preps (Nursery – Year 2)

In the Pre-Preps the emphasis is on the development of self-expression, creativity and confidence. In Prep II (Year 1) and Prep III (Year 2) Drama is delivered discretely within the English curriculum.  Each term girls prepare a performance to an audience; nativity plays (Michaelmas Term), the Spring Concert (Lent Term) and Songs and Certificates in the Summer Term.

Preps (Years 3–6)

The aim of Drama at this stage is to develop the girls’ confidence, drama skills and teamwork. Girls in Year 4 and Year 6 produce performances for an audience.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

The girls scrutinize genres and dramatic conventions, devising and presenting scripted and improvised dramas.  They gain an understanding of how theatre can communicate in innovative, challenging ways.

In the Michaelmas Term, Year 7 girls perform a themed showcase and Year 8 perform in our Shakespeare Festival presented at Association Day. Girls in Year 9 produce end of Key Stage productions.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

Drama is a popular choice at GCSE and requires the presentation of devised and scripted work, through either performance or design and the examination of the girls’ knowledge and understanding of different dramatic techniques and forms.

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

Drama and Theatre Studies at A Level develops students’ understanding of how theoretical and analytical study of drama is integrated with practical work. Students study and create theatre through drawing on various historical, cultural and contemporary theatre practices.

Co-curricular and Enrichment activities:


LAMDA examinations are very popular in the Preps.


The biennial Senior School Production enables girls from Year 7 to Year 13 to work together on stage and backstage in a professional theatre environment. Recent shows include: Sister Act: The Musical (2023), Chicago: High School Edition (2019), Little Shop of Horrors (2017), The Comedy of Errors (2015) Guys and Dolls (2013), and The Ash Girl (2012). This year we will be staging The Addams Family at The Questors Theatre, Ealing.

Senior school students with an aptitude for performance and performance support are invited to participate in workshops and public performance projects, such as the Shakespeare Schools Festival at Watermans Arts Centre, as part of the Drama Gifted Pathway (DGP).


Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become.


The English Department at St Augustine’s Priory produces ambitious, stimulating and successful work that demonstrates academic purpose and a keen sense of intellectual pursuit.  Girls construct scholarly, fluent and sophisticated arguments based on critical and thoughtful understanding of texts, and fully grasp the opportunities for freedom and ownership of study.

We have an excellent track record in the Young People’s Poetry Competition at the Chiswick Book Festival, a competition open to students aged between eight to twelve years old, where we regularly win prizes.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

We study a wide variety of texts in order to ensure a well-rounded experience in English during these three years. Each text presents a slightly different style and an opportunity  to gain knowledge, understanding and learn new skills. We encourage all girls to read widely from an early age, to accelerate their depth of understanding and strengthen the foundation on which to build in Key Stage 4.

Our focus at this stage is to ensure girls are developing their reading and writing skills appropriately. We ensure that they achieve an excellent level of comprehension and that their basic spelling and grammatical skills are consistently good. Pupils become familiar with a range of texts including narrative, drama and poetry. They build on this knowledge by starting to think about their own opinions through extended work and summer projects.

The topics and themes that pupils study become increasingly complex. Students progressively tackle more challenging tasks such as purposive writing. This introduces them to the reasons behind writers’ choice of different styles and techniques, preparing for the next stage in their study of English.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

St Augustine’s Priory teaches the OCR English Language and English Literature specifications. These are engaging courses which strike a model balance between academic rigour and creativity. The two courses complement each other well, providing students with a broad range of transferable skills and a strong foundation on which to build in Key Stage 5.

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

St Augustine’s Priory teaches the AQA English Literature A specification. This is an excellent course with rigorous academic demands and opportunities for creativity.  Students embrace an historicist approach to the study of literature, focusing on a range of poetry, prose and drama with shared themes. We explore the relationships which exist between texts and the context within which they are written, received and understood. Encouraging students to debate and challenge interpretations, developing their own informed opinions, leads to a greater depth of understanding and a holistic view of English literature.

Co-curricular & Enrichment

Creative writing plays an important part in the work of the department.   We offer the very popular weekly Creative Writing Club and several pupils from Year 9, who attend the club, ran a brilliant workshop for Year 7 during Book Week.

We celebrate the girls’ achievements by displaying their work around the school and are delighted with the inaugural edition of ‘Scribe: Poetry and Prose at the Priory’.  Please click on this link to access the online flip book version of Scribe.

Pupils in the Senior School and Sixth Form attend theatre productions such as The Duchess of Malfi at the RSC in Stratford and visit locations from literature such as the Foundling Hospital in connection with their study of Coram Boy.

Scribe Volume III


Geography is the subject which holds the key to our future.


Geography at St Augustine’s Priory centres on the idea that, although the physical environment may determine which activities people may engage in at a particular location, human activity has an impact on the physical environment.

Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 2)

At this stage the emphasis is on exploration of the UK and the pupils’ local area. Students begin to understand the fundamental skills of map work by conducting primary fieldwork around our school site and further afield.

Preps (Years 3-6)

The aim at this stage is to develop the students’ enquiry skills, and to begin to extend their understanding of places beyond the local area to include other parts of the UK, Europe and North and South America. They begin to develop their geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to enhance their locational and place knowledge using maps and Geographical Information Systems.

Fieldwork opportunities within the Preps and Pre-Preps:

Fieldwork supports the Geography curriculum by promoting geographical knowledge and understanding. We believe that students learn best about the world by experiencing it.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

Students continue to develop their understanding of the UK in comparison to contrasting locations throughout the world. There is a particular emphasis on the physical world and students explore the nature of rivers, coasts, climate and tectonic features. Inseparable from this is the impact that human beings have on the natural world and themes such as population growth, urbanisation, migration and tourism form part of the programme.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

The human topics studied at GCSE range from problems facing UK cities to a study of Mumbai as a megacity in an emerging country. The physical topics range from coastal management in the UK to the increase in hurricanes and tropical storms in relation to climate change.

Students attend a physical geography fieldtrip to Brighton and Rottingdean to study coastal management and a human geography fieldtrip to Goring and Streatley border to study rural change. In 2019, Year 11 students based their fieldwork on the river processes operating on the Cuckmere River in East Sussex and the impact of post-Olympic urban regeneration on Stratford, London.

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

Geography at A Level includes greater emphasis on the UK and coursework, in the form of an independent investigation which is based on a UK field trip. This A Level covers a range of themes including tectonic hazards and their management, coastal landscapes, climate change, water conflicts, globalisation, superpowers, migration, urban regeneration and rural rebranding.

Co-curricular & Enrichment

The Geography Department contributes greatly to enrichment and the co-curricular provision of the school including the Eco-Schools Club and a variety of fieldwork opportunities.

The Eco-Schools Club takes responsibility for all of the recycling, reusing of materials and efforts to reduce wastage at St Augustine’s Priory. It successfully coordinates a ‘No Paper’ day, a ‘No Electricity’ day and a ‘Walk to School’ week each year. This year we are joining the WWF campaign to tackle the issue of plastic pollution.

Another way in which Geography contributes to enrichment and co-curricular provision is via field trips. There are many UK based field trips such as the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park (Stratford), the River Chess, Brighton, Cuckmere Haven and Aberystwyth.  Biennial overseas field trips also take place; two recent examples of which were visits to New York and Iceland.


Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.


The History Department at St Augustine’s Priory inspires pupils’ interest and enjoyment of the past which they will be able to take forward into a society in which understanding and protecting heritage has a central role. We seek to provide a stimulating environment for historical enquiry to enable all students to learn and achieve.

Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 2)

Children begin their understanding of History and have opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world.  This allows children to begin to explore the past and present events relevant to their own lives and those of their families.  They think and talk about how they have grown and changed and begin to recognise the differences between past and present. They will begin to tell stories about the past and begin to use time-related vocabulary.

Preps (Years 3-6)

Throughout Key Stage 2 the girls study people, significant events and developments from the recent and more distant past in the locality, in Britain and in other parts of the world. They learn about change and continuity and begin to see History from a variety of perspectives; political, economic and social. The girls also begin to learn that the past can be represented and interpreted in different ways.

Years 7-9  (Key Stage 3)

The girls begin to learn about significant individuals as well as the causes and consequences of events in the history of Britain from the Medieval period, the Reformation and the English Civil War to the struggle for the right to vote in the 19th and 20th Centuries.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

This is an exciting, yet rigorous, syllabus which challenges and stimulates the girls. They learn about the impact of the First World War on European relations and on the actions of dictators in the inter-war period.

The development of the Cold War and its impact on relations between East and West will also be studied. The girls will also understand that the consequences of these events are still relevant to us today and begin to develop an appreciation of patterns and trends that emerge in the conflict between democracy and dictatorship.

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

The study of History provides not only a deeper understanding of the society in which we live, but a sound intellectual training which can form a springboard to university studies and future careers. A Level studies in History will provide students with an opportunity to analyse some of the formative events and figures in British, European and World History.

Co-curricular & Enrichment

We are fortunate to be living in a city with so many places of historical interest: Hampton Court Palace, Hatfield House and Leeds Castle are all within easy reach of London, whilst the British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum and Tower of London are just a tube ride away. All museums have educational resources suitable for all, from the very youngest to the most mature of history buffs.

In addition to the visit to the Battlefields of the Western Front there are a number of History visits throughout the girls’ school life, from the Florence Nightingale Museum in Year 2 to Hampton Court in Year 5. There are also “Victorian” days for Year 6.

A Level students attend academic conferences on aspects of their studies, delivered by university historians who are leaders in their field of study. Students also visit the National Archives in Kew to use primary sources in their A Level Historical Enquiry work.

Learning Support

At the heart of the learning support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is the outstanding teaching they receive from each and every teacher, as well as the assistance provided by the Learning Support team.

Learning Support

As a small school, at St Augustine’s Priory lessons are planned to take into account the needs of every child, and pupils with SEND make extremely good progress in this school.

Senior school subject teachers offer a wealth of extra provision from 1:1 support for a particular problem, to regular drop-in sessions.  In the Prep School, highly qualified teaching assistants (TAs) support pupils in class and work with small groups or individual pupils in breakout areas. Our strong, well-qualified Learning Support Department works closely with all teachers to ensure that all pupils are being supported appropriately.

Where pupils have a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, their progress is closely monitored and they will usually have additional lessons on a 1:1 basis with one of our specialist learning support teachers. Pupils in the senior school with SEND are offered assessments to determine whether they are entitled to extra provision (such as additional time, word processors, voice activated software, and rest breaks) in public examinations to ensure they are not disadvantaged.

Please note that 1:1 support takes place throughout the school day on a rota.

Pupils for whom English is not their first language are offered additional support lessons on a 1:1 basis with one of our specialist English as an Additional Language (EAL) teachers. SEND and EAL specialist support is at an additional charge.

Charges for the Academic Year 2024 – 2025

Dyslexia/Literacy Specialist Please contact Admissions –
English as an Additional Language specialist (EAL) Please contact Admissions –
Mathematics & Dyscalculia Specialist Please contact Admissions –
Mathematics Specialist Please contact Admissions –
1:1 Teaching Assistant Support Please contact Admissions –


Learning Support/Dyslexia Specialist Miss Z. Thackray B.A. Dyslexia Institute Post Graduate Certificate in Dyslexia and Literacy
Learning Support – Mathematics & Dyscalculia Specialist Mr Robert Jennings
Learning Support –Mathematics Specialist Mrs J Bull, B.Eng.
Learning Support Assistants Mrs A Rai

Mrs L Cvetkova

Mrs K Davis

Mrs H Goodwin

English as an Additional Language Ms E Cook


Geography is the subject which holds the key to our future.


Geography at St Augustine’s Priory centres on the idea that, although the physical environment may determine which activities people may engage in at a particular location, human activity has an impact on the physical environment.

Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 2)

At this stage the emphasis is on exploration of the UK and the pupils’ local area. Students begin to understand the fundamental skills of map work by conducting primary fieldwork around our school site and further afield.

Preps (Years 3-6)

The aim at this stage is to develop the students’ enquiry skills, and to begin to extend their understanding of places beyond the local area to include other parts of the UK, Europe and North and South America. They begin to develop their geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to enhance their locational and place knowledge using maps and Geographical Information Systems.

Fieldwork opportunities within the Preps and Pre-Preps:

Fieldwork supports the Geography curriculum by promoting geographical knowledge and understanding. We believe that students learn best about the world by experiencing it.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

Students continue to develop their understanding of the UK in comparison to contrasting locations throughout the world. There is a particular emphasis on the physical world and students explore the nature of rivers, coasts, climate and tectonic features. Inseparable from this is the impact that human beings have on the natural world and themes such as population growth, urbanisation, migration and tourism form part of the programme.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

The human topics studied at GCSE range from problems facing UK cities to a study of Mumbai as a megacity in an emerging country. The physical topics range from coastal management in the UK to the increase in hurricanes and tropical storms in relation to climate change.

Students attend a physical geography fieldtrip to Brighton and Rottingdean to study coastal management and a human geography fieldtrip to Goring and Streatley border to study rural change. In 2019, Year 11 students based their fieldwork on the river processes operating on the Cuckmere River in East Sussex and the impact of post-Olympic urban regeneration on Stratford, London.

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

Geography at A Level includes greater emphasis on the UK and coursework, in the form of an independent investigation which is based on a UK field trip. This A Level covers a range of themes including tectonic hazards and their management, coastal landscapes, climate change, water conflicts, globalisation, superpowers, migration, urban regeneration and rural rebranding.

Co-curricular & Enrichment

The Geography Department contributes greatly to enrichment and the co-curricular provision of the school including the Eco-Schools Club and a variety of fieldwork opportunities.

The Eco-Schools Club takes responsibility for all of the recycling, reusing of materials and efforts to reduce wastage at St Augustine’s Priory. It successfully coordinates a ‘No Paper’ day, a ‘No Electricity’ day and a ‘Walk to School’ week each year. This year we are joining the WWF campaign to tackle the issue of plastic pollution.

Another way in which Geography contributes to enrichment and co-curricular provision is via field trips. There are many UK based field trips such as the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park (Stratford), the River Chess, Brighton, Cuckmere Haven and Aberystwyth.  Biennial overseas field trips also take place; two recent examples of which were visits to New York and Iceland.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.


The History Department at St Augustine’s Priory inspires pupils’ interest and enjoyment of the past which they will be able to take forward into a society in which understanding and protecting heritage has a central role. We seek to provide a stimulating environment for historical enquiry to enable all students to learn and achieve.

Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 2)

Children begin their understanding of History and have opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world.  This allows children to begin to explore the past and present events relevant to their own lives and those of their families.  They think and talk about how they have grown and changed and begin to recognise the differences between past and present. They will begin to tell stories about the past and begin to use time-related vocabulary.

Preps (Years 3-6)

Throughout Key Stage 2 the girls study people, significant events and developments from the recent and more distant past in the locality, in Britain and in other parts of the world. They learn about change and continuity and begin to see History from a variety of perspectives; political, economic and social. The girls also begin to learn that the past can be represented and interpreted in different ways.

Years 7-9  (Key Stage 3)

The girls begin to learn about significant individuals as well as the causes and consequences of events in the history of Britain from the Medieval period, the Reformation and the English Civil War to the struggle for the right to vote in the 19th and 20th Centuries.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

This is an exciting, yet rigorous, syllabus which challenges and stimulates the girls. They learn about the impact of the First World War on European relations and on the actions of dictators in the inter-war period.

The development of the Cold War and its impact on relations between East and West will also be studied. The girls will also understand that the consequences of these events are still relevant to us today and begin to develop an appreciation of patterns and trends that emerge in the conflict between democracy and dictatorship.

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

The study of History provides not only a deeper understanding of the society in which we live, but a sound intellectual training which can form a springboard to university studies and future careers. A Level studies in History will provide students with an opportunity to analyse some of the formative events and figures in British, European and World History.

Co-curricular & Enrichment

We are fortunate to be living in a city with so many places of historical interest: Hampton Court Palace, Hatfield House and Leeds Castle are all within easy reach of London, whilst the British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum and Tower of London are just a tube ride away. All museums have educational resources suitable for all, from the very youngest to the most mature of history buffs.

In addition to the visit to the Battlefields of the Western Front there are a number of History visits throughout the girls’ school life, from the Florence Nightingale Museum in Year 2 to Hampton Court in Year 5. There are also “Victorian” days for Year 6.

A Level students attend academic conferences on aspects of their studies, delivered by university historians who are leaders in their field of study. Students also visit the National Archives in Kew to use primary sources in their A Level Historical Enquiry work.

At the heart of the learning support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is the outstanding teaching they receive from each and every teacher, as well as the assistance provided by the Learning Support team.

Learning Support

As a small school, at St Augustine’s Priory lessons are planned to take into account the needs of every child, and pupils with SEND make extremely good progress in this school.

Senior school subject teachers offer a wealth of extra provision from 1:1 support for a particular problem, to regular drop-in sessions.  In the Prep School, highly qualified teaching assistants (TAs) support pupils in class and work with small groups or individual pupils in breakout areas. Our strong, well-qualified Learning Support Department works closely with all teachers to ensure that all pupils are being supported appropriately.

Where pupils have a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, their progress is closely monitored and they will usually have additional lessons on a 1:1 basis with one of our specialist learning support teachers. Pupils in the senior school with SEND are offered assessments to determine whether they are entitled to extra provision (such as additional time, word processors, voice activated software, and rest breaks) in public examinations to ensure they are not disadvantaged.

Please note that 1:1 support takes place throughout the school day on a rota.

Pupils for whom English is not their first language are offered additional support lessons on a 1:1 basis with one of our specialist English as an Additional Language (EAL) teachers. SEND and EAL specialist support is at an additional charge.

Charges for the Academic Year 2024 – 2025

Dyslexia/Literacy Specialist Please contact Admissions –
English as an Additional Language specialist (EAL) Please contact Admissions –
Mathematics & Dyscalculia Specialist Please contact Admissions –
Mathematics Specialist Please contact Admissions –
1:1 Teaching Assistant Support Please contact Admissions –


Learning Support/Dyslexia Specialist Miss Z. Thackray B.A. Dyslexia Institute Post Graduate Certificate in Dyslexia and Literacy
Learning Support – Mathematics & Dyscalculia Specialist Mr Robert Jennings
Learning Support –Mathematics Specialist Mrs J Bull, B.Eng.
Learning Support Assistants Mrs A Rai

Mrs L Cvetkova

Mrs K Davis

Mrs H Goodwin

English as an Additional Language Ms E Cook



Our pupils receive a mathematical education that is increasingly linked to their own needs and those of society.


The Mathematics Department at St Augustine’s Priory believes in the importance of Mathematics as a clear, unambiguous tool in the analysis and communication of ideas and information.

We help our pupils develop knowledge, skills and understanding as well as an appreciation of the beauty of Mathematics.

We recognise that children differ in mathematical ability and we therefore employ a range of strategies to help each girl to attain her full potential.

Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 2)

In the Pre-Preps, girls are taught Mathematics through the Abacus scheme.  A range of resources is used to support the teaching and learning of Mathematics. Children also have access to a variety of digital content, which is highly motivating whilst developing their ICT skills.

Preps (Years 3-6)

In the Preps, the girls are taught Mathematics through Power Maths; a whole class mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement and increase confidence in Mathematics for all. Power Maths empowers every child to understand and succeed, encouraging hard work, practice and a willingness to see mistakes as learning tools.

To develop mastery in Mathematics, children need to be enabled to acquire a deep understanding of maths concepts, structures and procedures, step by step. The whole class works on the same content and no child is left behind.

We have a whole week dedicated to Mathematics which includes activities to develop the girls’ problem-solving skills, including a dedicated ‘Puzzle Challenge Day’. We also offer a variety of clubs where children can develop their interest in Mathematics outside of the classroom.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3) and Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

From Year 7 to Year 11 the girls are taught in three or four sets, based on ability. The schemes of work are structured in such a way as to allow for movement between sets.

In addition to internal assessments, an electronic Progress Test in Mathematics (PTM) is taken at the end of Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 to monitor the progress of each year group against national standards.

From Year 7 to Year 8, we follow the Mathematics Enhancement Programme devised by CIMT at the University of Plymouth.

In Year 9 there is a GCSE transition year, in which the girls study topics from the CIMT course but in the depth required for GCSE.  The GCSE syllabus is completed during Years 10 and 11.

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

The two year A Level Mathematics course followed is Edexcel 9MA0.

Further Mathematics is offered for exceptionally talented mathematicians. A level Further Mathematics can be studied at AS level (8FM0) over one year or at A level (9FM0) over two years.  It is studied alongside the A level Mathematics course (parallel delivery).

UKMT Maths Challenges

Pupils in Set 1 of each year group have the opportunity to take the UKMT Maths Challenge.  This is a national competition at three levels:  Junior (Years 7 and 8), Intermediate (Years 9 to 11) and Senior (Years 12-13).  Success in this competition can lead to qualification for further European rounds (Kangaroo) or the Maths Olympiad.

Each year several girls from Years 9, 10 and 12 attend a series of Mathematics Masterclasses at the Royal Institution. The participants are introduced to topics which are beyond the scope of the normal school syllabus, and give them an opportunity to broaden their mathematical experience.  These sessions are by invitation from UKMT and are based on performance in the Maths Challenges.

Modern Languages

We are delighted to have two of our A Level leavers continue with their language learning at Trinity College, Cambridge (Modern and Medieval Languages) and New College, Oxford (French and English).

Modern Languages


At St Augustine’s Priory, we are passionate about language learning and we recognise its importance in today’s world. With more and more people going to university and obtaining degrees, competition in the world of work is fierce and candidates need something which will make them stand out. Combine this with the impact of living in a multi-cultural society teeming with multilingual speakers; being able to speak a foreign language is as indispensable as ever in today’s world.

The Modern Languages Department aims to develop a love of language learning. It guides its students to be able to communicate effectively in the target language through speaking, writing, and understanding. As well as focusing on grammar and its practical application, the Modern Languages team endeavours to develop cultural knowledge and understanding of the countries and communities where the language is spoken.

St Augustine’s Priory is very proud to run a French ‘Masterclass’ programme that is officially endorsed by the Institut Français du Royaume–Uni. The prestigious invitation-only course that we offer is aimed at bilingual or very able students. The course, which is taught exclusively in French, delves into various aspects of French-speaking culture ultimately working towards obtaining French Ministry of Education DELF diplomas which are also worth UCAS points.

Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 2)

‘Little Languages’ exposes our Pre-Prep students to different languages and cultures from around the world. Fun and engaging activities are used to increase their knowledge and understanding and, as well as celebrating linguistic diversity, it offers a sound initiation before formal language-learning commences in the Preps.

Preps (Years 3-6)

French learning commences in Year 3 and continues throughout the Preps. Once in Year 6, our girls are able to put their learning into practice during a three-day residential trip to Côte d’Opale in France.

Spanish is introduced in Year 6 and our girls find that they are able to progress quickly due to the skills and knowledge they have built through learning French.

Having both French and Spanish on the curriculum in the Preps is a wonderful advantage of studying at St Augustine’s Priory. Additionally, lessons are taught by language specialists who also teach in the Senior school. This ensures that your daughter is challenged academically and it guarantees a smooth transition between Key Stages 2 and 3.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

Modern language classes at Key Stage 3 are taught in sets so that those who learnt French and Spanish in the Preps can continue to be stretched and challenged whilst newcomers to languages can feel comfortable as they embark on their learning.

Russian is introduced in Year 7 as an alternative option to Spanish.

Lower V to Upper V (Key Stage 4)

Whilst it is not compulsory to take a language for GCSE, almost all girls at St Augustine’s Priory choose a language as one of their options, with some even opting for two.

Lower VI to Upper VI (Key Stage 5)

The A Level course offers an opportunity to study a language in depth, tackling a variety of academic topics and global issues in the target language. We often have girls who go on to read languages at university and, in addition, many past A Level students who have pursued other subjects at university have chosen language modules as a way of continuing their language learning.

Sainte-Marie de Neuilly Partnership

Sainte-Marie occupies the site in Neuilly, Paris, where our school was located from 1862 until 1911 when we moved to England. Each year our Year 8 and GCSE students visit Paris and take part in lessons with their penpals and stay with them each evening. Our girls are also able to enjoy the sights of Paris such as Versailles, the Eiffel Tower and a boat trip along the Seine. We receive immense hospitality from our hosts in Paris, and we are able to offer the same in return during their yearly visits to London.

Further Overseas Visits

In addition to our visits to Paris (See ‘Sainte-Marie de Neuilly Partnership’) overseas trips include Year 6 visiting Cote d’Opale in France, Years 10– 13 travelling to Valencia, as well as a combined Russian and History trip for our senior school students to Moscow and St Petersburg.

Spelling Bee

Alternating each year between French and Spanish, the Prep and Senior Spelling Bees consist of a number of rounds with new vocabulary lists distributed each round. Trophies and prizes are awarded to those who place in the top three.

French Conversation Club

French Conversation Club occurs every Friday at lunchtime.


Music to me is a voice, my voice, it’s my way of expressing what colours can I bring in, what emotions, what feel. What ideas can I bring out from these instruments that would make this song come alive.


Music is a vital part of a complete education, and at St Augustine’s Priory we encourage each girl to develop her musical skills and interests both in the classroom and through partaking in a range of extra-curricular activities.

The Chamber Choir prepares challenging repertoire and harmony for the Summer Concert, the St Cecilia Concert in the Michaelmas Term and the Carol Service.

Through engaging with and studying music, we develop a unique set of skills – cognitive, physical and social as well as musical. At St Augustine’s Priory we believe that everybody has musical potential and we therefore encourage each girl to develop her own musical skills and interests. This is achieved through an exciting and varied curriculum and also by offering a wide range of extra-curricular musical opportunities. A large proportion of girls also take advantage of the excellent one-to-one instrumental and singing tuition that is available in the school.

There are many gifted and talented musicians at St Augustine’s Priory contributing to a very high level of music making throughout the school, and we nurture this talent by providing solo and ensemble performance opportunities at a suitably high level. Those who are less experienced are equally well catered for, with carefully differentiated tasks within the curriculum and appropriate extra-curricular ensembles which are designed to encourage and provide enjoyment to all.

Preps and Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 6)

There is a strong practical emphasis in Music lessons in the Preps and Pre-Preps.  Singing holds a special place as the most fundamental musical practice. Instruments are used to encourage creativity. As they progress through the Preps, girls develop keyboard and notation skills which will help them in their transition to the Senior School. Performance opportunities abound, from regular ensemble concerts and Soloists’ Showcase concerts to the annual Songs and Certificates events, as well as more informal opportunities in class.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

In Key Stage 3 the use of Music ICT is introduced, which has the potential to open up new vistas in composition and song-writing for all students. Singing and instrumental skills continue to be developed, and notation continues to be taught alongside this. As in the Prep School, work is carefully differentiated to cater for the wide range of musical experience found in a typical class, and there are many performance opportunities throughout the year.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4) and Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

Music is an excellent option at GCSE and A Level for those seeking a challenging but enjoyable subject which combines academic rigour with a strong strand of creativity.  Each course focuses on performance, composition and developing musical understanding. A tailored approach is taken with each individual student, playing to their own strengths and musical interests. All students at these levels are encouraged to perform regularly and to take part in suitable ensembles, where they may be stretched with solo or leadership roles. We offer outstanding individual support to those considering continuing their musical studies at university or conservatoire.

Co-Curricular and Enrichment

As members of our musical ensembles, choirs or Chamber Choirs, girls are given the opportunity to perform at several school concerts and services throughout the year.  Our Chamber Choir has performed at several venues in Paris.

Our pupils receive a mathematical education that is increasingly linked to their own needs and those of society.


The Mathematics Department at St Augustine’s Priory believes in the importance of Mathematics as a clear, unambiguous tool in the analysis and communication of ideas and information.

We help our pupils develop knowledge, skills and understanding as well as an appreciation of the beauty of Mathematics.

We recognise that children differ in mathematical ability and we therefore employ a range of strategies to help each girl to attain her full potential.

Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 2)

In the Pre-Preps, girls are taught Mathematics through the Abacus scheme.  A range of resources is used to support the teaching and learning of Mathematics. Children also have access to a variety of digital content, which is highly motivating whilst developing their ICT skills.

Preps (Years 3-6)

In the Preps, the girls are taught Mathematics through Power Maths; a whole class mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement and increase confidence in Mathematics for all. Power Maths empowers every child to understand and succeed, encouraging hard work, practice and a willingness to see mistakes as learning tools.

To develop mastery in Mathematics, children need to be enabled to acquire a deep understanding of maths concepts, structures and procedures, step by step. The whole class works on the same content and no child is left behind.

We have a whole week dedicated to Mathematics which includes activities to develop the girls’ problem-solving skills, including a dedicated ‘Puzzle Challenge Day’. We also offer a variety of clubs where children can develop their interest in Mathematics outside of the classroom.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3) and Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

From Year 7 to Year 11 the girls are taught in three or four sets, based on ability. The schemes of work are structured in such a way as to allow for movement between sets.

In addition to internal assessments, an electronic Progress Test in Mathematics (PTM) is taken at the end of Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 to monitor the progress of each year group against national standards.

From Year 7 to Year 8, we follow the Mathematics Enhancement Programme devised by CIMT at the University of Plymouth.

In Year 9 there is a GCSE transition year, in which the girls study topics from the CIMT course but in the depth required for GCSE.  The GCSE syllabus is completed during Years 10 and 11.

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

The two year A Level Mathematics course followed is Edexcel 9MA0.

Further Mathematics is offered for exceptionally talented mathematicians. A level Further Mathematics can be studied at AS level (8FM0) over one year or at A level (9FM0) over two years.  It is studied alongside the A level Mathematics course (parallel delivery).

UKMT Maths Challenges

Pupils in Set 1 of each year group have the opportunity to take the UKMT Maths Challenge.  This is a national competition at three levels:  Junior (Years 7 and 8), Intermediate (Years 9 to 11) and Senior (Years 12-13).  Success in this competition can lead to qualification for further European rounds (Kangaroo) or the Maths Olympiad.

Each year several girls from Years 9, 10 and 12 attend a series of Mathematics Masterclasses at the Royal Institution. The participants are introduced to topics which are beyond the scope of the normal school syllabus, and give them an opportunity to broaden their mathematical experience.  These sessions are by invitation from UKMT and are based on performance in the Maths Challenges.

We are delighted to have two of our A Level leavers continue with their language learning at Trinity College, Cambridge (Modern and Medieval Languages) and New College, Oxford (French and English).

Modern Languages


At St Augustine’s Priory, we are passionate about language learning and we recognise its importance in today’s world. With more and more people going to university and obtaining degrees, competition in the world of work is fierce and candidates need something which will make them stand out. Combine this with the impact of living in a multi-cultural society teeming with multilingual speakers; being able to speak a foreign language is as indispensable as ever in today’s world.

The Modern Languages Department aims to develop a love of language learning. It guides its students to be able to communicate effectively in the target language through speaking, writing, and understanding. As well as focusing on grammar and its practical application, the Modern Languages team endeavours to develop cultural knowledge and understanding of the countries and communities where the language is spoken.

St Augustine’s Priory is very proud to run a French ‘Masterclass’ programme that is officially endorsed by the Institut Français du Royaume–Uni. The prestigious invitation-only course that we offer is aimed at bilingual or very able students. The course, which is taught exclusively in French, delves into various aspects of French-speaking culture ultimately working towards obtaining French Ministry of Education DELF diplomas which are also worth UCAS points.

Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 2)

‘Little Languages’ exposes our Pre-Prep students to different languages and cultures from around the world. Fun and engaging activities are used to increase their knowledge and understanding and, as well as celebrating linguistic diversity, it offers a sound initiation before formal language-learning commences in the Preps.

Preps (Years 3-6)

French learning commences in Year 3 and continues throughout the Preps. Once in Year 6, our girls are able to put their learning into practice during a three-day residential trip to Côte d’Opale in France.

Spanish is introduced in Year 6 and our girls find that they are able to progress quickly due to the skills and knowledge they have built through learning French.

Having both French and Spanish on the curriculum in the Preps is a wonderful advantage of studying at St Augustine’s Priory. Additionally, lessons are taught by language specialists who also teach in the Senior school. This ensures that your daughter is challenged academically and it guarantees a smooth transition between Key Stages 2 and 3.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

Modern language classes at Key Stage 3 are taught in sets so that those who learnt French and Spanish in the Preps can continue to be stretched and challenged whilst newcomers to languages can feel comfortable as they embark on their learning.

Russian is introduced in Year 7 as an alternative option to Spanish.

Lower V to Upper V (Key Stage 4)

Whilst it is not compulsory to take a language for GCSE, almost all girls at St Augustine’s Priory choose a language as one of their options, with some even opting for two.

Lower VI to Upper VI (Key Stage 5)

The A Level course offers an opportunity to study a language in depth, tackling a variety of academic topics and global issues in the target language. We often have girls who go on to read languages at university and, in addition, many past A Level students who have pursued other subjects at university have chosen language modules as a way of continuing their language learning.

Sainte-Marie de Neuilly Partnership

Sainte-Marie occupies the site in Neuilly, Paris, where our school was located from 1862 until 1911 when we moved to England. Each year our Year 8 and GCSE students visit Paris and take part in lessons with their penpals and stay with them each evening. Our girls are also able to enjoy the sights of Paris such as Versailles, the Eiffel Tower and a boat trip along the Seine. We receive immense hospitality from our hosts in Paris, and we are able to offer the same in return during their yearly visits to London.

Further Overseas Visits

In addition to our visits to Paris (See ‘Sainte-Marie de Neuilly Partnership’) overseas trips include Year 6 visiting Cote d’Opale in France, Years 10– 13 travelling to Valencia, as well as a combined Russian and History trip for our senior school students to Moscow and St Petersburg.

Spelling Bee

Alternating each year between French and Spanish, the Prep and Senior Spelling Bees consist of a number of rounds with new vocabulary lists distributed each round. Trophies and prizes are awarded to those who place in the top three.

French Conversation Club

French Conversation Club occurs every Friday at lunchtime.

Music to me is a voice, my voice, it’s my way of expressing what colours can I bring in, what emotions, what feel. What ideas can I bring out from these instruments that would make this song come alive.


Music is a vital part of a complete education, and at St Augustine’s Priory we encourage each girl to develop her musical skills and interests both in the classroom and through partaking in a range of extra-curricular activities.

The Chamber Choir prepares challenging repertoire and harmony for the Summer Concert, the St Cecilia Concert in the Michaelmas Term and the Carol Service.

Through engaging with and studying music, we develop a unique set of skills – cognitive, physical and social as well as musical. At St Augustine’s Priory we believe that everybody has musical potential and we therefore encourage each girl to develop her own musical skills and interests. This is achieved through an exciting and varied curriculum and also by offering a wide range of extra-curricular musical opportunities. A large proportion of girls also take advantage of the excellent one-to-one instrumental and singing tuition that is available in the school.

There are many gifted and talented musicians at St Augustine’s Priory contributing to a very high level of music making throughout the school, and we nurture this talent by providing solo and ensemble performance opportunities at a suitably high level. Those who are less experienced are equally well catered for, with carefully differentiated tasks within the curriculum and appropriate extra-curricular ensembles which are designed to encourage and provide enjoyment to all.

Preps and Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 6)

There is a strong practical emphasis in Music lessons in the Preps and Pre-Preps.  Singing holds a special place as the most fundamental musical practice. Instruments are used to encourage creativity. As they progress through the Preps, girls develop keyboard and notation skills which will help them in their transition to the Senior School. Performance opportunities abound, from regular ensemble concerts and Soloists’ Showcase concerts to the annual Songs and Certificates events, as well as more informal opportunities in class.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

In Key Stage 3 the use of Music ICT is introduced, which has the potential to open up new vistas in composition and song-writing for all students. Singing and instrumental skills continue to be developed, and notation continues to be taught alongside this. As in the Prep School, work is carefully differentiated to cater for the wide range of musical experience found in a typical class, and there are many performance opportunities throughout the year.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4) and Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

Music is an excellent option at GCSE and A Level for those seeking a challenging but enjoyable subject which combines academic rigour with a strong strand of creativity.  Each course focuses on performance, composition and developing musical understanding. A tailored approach is taken with each individual student, playing to their own strengths and musical interests. All students at these levels are encouraged to perform regularly and to take part in suitable ensembles, where they may be stretched with solo or leadership roles. We offer outstanding individual support to those considering continuing their musical studies at university or conservatoire.

Co-Curricular and Enrichment

As members of our musical ensembles, choirs or Chamber Choirs, girls are given the opportunity to perform at several school concerts and services throughout the year.  Our Chamber Choir has performed at several venues in Paris.

Physical Education

Our girls have the courage and appetite to compete and the skills to handle triumph and disaster in equal measure.

Physical Education

The PE Department at St Augustine’s Priory is vibrant and energetic whose aim is to give all girls the opportunity to participate in a broad and balanced curriculum. We strive for every girl to achieve success in both curricular and extra-curricular activities working to the best of her ability and to gain an understanding of the role of sport in a balanced lifestyle throughout their life. Our teams consistently excel in local and national fixtures

Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 2)

We are proud that all students at St Augustine’s Priory are taught by subject specialists. Building fundamental movement skills are essential to a child’s development. During the Pre-Preps, girls develop foundation skills of running; jumping; throwing; skipping, alongside some Gymnastic, Dance and Athletic activities. As girls progress through the Pre-Preps, competition and more sports specific experiences are introduced to help to transition students to the Prep programme.

Preps (Years 3 – 6)

During the Prep programme, girls build on foundation skills and are introduced to sport specific skills and activities. We teach students skills which are transferrable across a range of sports so students have the tool kit to enjoy and participate in a range of activities from netball and football to Tag Rugby and Handball.

In the Preps we commence baseline fitness testing to monitor fitness against National Standards. Girls participate in activities such as Netball, Football, Hockey, Dance, Gymnastics, Fitness, Athletics, Rounders and Tennis. Swimming takes place at a local swimming pool from Years 3-5.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

Our focus during Key Stage 3 is to enhance sport specific skills and to encourage all pupils to undertake a healthy and active lifestyle. We teach pupils the principles of the games such as width, attacking strategies, defensive formations which can be transferred between activities. This allows girls to turn their hand to any game and approach them with confidence.

Baseline fitness testing continues to ensure we are encouraging understanding of health and fitness. Girls participate in activities such as Netball, Football, Hockey, Dance, Gymnastics, Fitness,  Tag Rugby, Athletics, Rounders and Tennis.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

PE is compulsory for all pupils in Key Stage 4 and can be taken as a GCSE and we are proud of our latest results which 60% of students achieved an 8/9.

At this stage, our focus is on the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle for the future, ensuring girls maintain physical activity in later life. We have workshops and instructors to give pupils a greater exposure to the different ways to stay healthy and active. Pupil voice is central to our delivery to ensure all pupils have a positive experience in PE.

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

PE is compulsory for all pupils in Key Stage 5 and our latest inspection highlighted the value which students place on this. The aims during this programme is both to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle and to provide a physical respite from studying.  Girls are encouraged to undertake leadership opportunities with junior age groups to support UCAS statements. To encourage participation, we have partnerships with Pitshanger Gym to give students the opportunity to access a Gym and improve their fitness.

A Level PE is also offered, a course which is diverse and challenging, incorporating Sport, Science and Maths. Students have attained grades from A* – C and many have gone on to study Sport at university.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

We are pleased to offer extra curricular opportunities for all students from Nursery to Priory Sixth. We offer a range of clubs before, during and after school to give all girls the opportunity to develop their performance in PE and Sport.  In the Pre – Preps we offer extra-curricular opportunities to enhance girls’ fundamental skills such as Gymnastics, Yoga and Tennis.

In the Preps our broad curriculum is supported by a strong extra-curricular programme. We offer all girls the opportunity to participate in fixtures as it is important learning for all girls. Clubs vary from Cheerleading and Gymnastics to Cricket and Hockey.

At Key Stage 3, the extra-curricular programme caters for girls who wish to compete and represent the school as well as girls who are participating for fun and enjoyment. Netball, Cross Country and Hockey are popular as are Football Cricket and Cheerleading.

At Key Stage 4 the girls are supported by a strong extra-curricular programme, incorporating both competitive and open clubs to cater for all pupils. The Priory Netball Academy caters for our top flight netballers some of whom play for Mavericks, London Pulse and Middlesex and it is a great aspiration for our younger netballers.

We run sports tours and trips to create opportunities for girls to improve performance and understanding including netball tours in Paris and Hockey tour to Holland.  Our girls have represented Middlesex and Ealing in the London Youth Games and we always recommend all students participate in sporting opportunities outside of school to further development.


We win tournaments and place cross country runners at the top of the field, for example in the Year 7/8 Ealing Cross Country Championships, the  NLCS Netball Tournament, the U12 Middlesex Netball Qualifying and U12 and U13 Middlesex Hockey Qualifying, the Handball Competition of the London Youth Games, the Year 7 Ealing Indoor Athletics Competition and the Year 8 Ealing Indoor Athletics Competition.


PSHEE allows for personal growth through a planned educational programme which enables pupils to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.


At St Augustine’s Priory, PSHEE, RSE and Citizenship is delivered through the curriculum and is an integral part of the pastoral support and disciplinary system in the School.  It is considered to be the curriculum context for the personal and social development of the individual, and underpins the whole education process.

The focus is on the development of the ‘whole’ person.  We aim to lead and stimulate our pupils to develop their full potential – intellectually, physically, socially, spiritually, emotionally, morally and aesthetically. Our programme reflects and supports ‘Helping Children Achieve More’ and is closely interwoven with the teachings of the Catholic Church.

We encourage pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the School and the wider community.  These activities, both inside and outside the classroom, are valuable learning experiences and allow pupils to develop their sense of self-worth as well as teaching them about their responsibilities.  They learn to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse multicultural society.

Principles and Values

St Augustine’s Priory believes that PSHEE should:

  • Allow pupils to understand and value themselves as individuals and as responsible and caring members of society in line with Gospel Values of Truth, Justice, Compassion and Forgiveness.
  • Develop a student’s knowledge and understanding of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle and be aware of safety issues.
  • Promote independent and active members of the School and local community.
  • Develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and assist students to make informed choices regarding personal and social issues.
  • Develop good relationships with other members of the School and the wider community.
  • Encourage students and teachers to share and respect each other’s views.
  • Recognise that the wider community has much to offer and we aim to work in partnership with relevant professionals and other School partners to deliver this.
  • Encourage respect for others regardless of race, gender and mental and physical disability.

PSHEE is delivered by Form Tutors and supplemented by a variety of engaging outside speakers.

Religious Education

Overall, religious education is one of the highest performing subjects in the school. Pupils do well at all key stages.

Religious Education


As a Catholic school, the St Augustine’s Priory curriculum for Religious Education is based on the Religious Education Curriculum Directory (RECD) for Catholic schools.

The primary content of all our RE material is the teaching and practices of the Catholic Church and the implications for the lives of children as pupils today and as citizens of tomorrow. We also study other world religions during Key Stage 3.

“Overall, religious education is one of the highest performing subjects in the school. Pupils do well at all key stages. Children enter the school with a range of skills and abilities which can vary from year to year, but are broadly average. They make excellent progress throughout the school and develop into very confident learners, displaying high levels of religious literacy.

Almost all Year 11 pupils gained a grade A*−C in GCSE RE, with almost two thirds achieving A*/A or Grade 8/9 , a proportion which is much higher when compared with their peers nationally.”

Diocesan Inspection Report

We aim to develop knowledge and understanding of Catholicism for pupils of all faiths. We present pupils with the teachings of Jesus, mediated through the teaching of the Catholic Church. Pupils reflect on what it means to have faith and develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding.

The Religious Education subject material reflects the three key elements of the Catholic faith:

  • That every human event is marked by the creative activity of God, who communicates goodness to all beings;
  • That the reality of sin limit and numb every person;
  • That the life and death and resurrection of Christ, communicated by the Holy Spirit, gives believers the hope of ‘fulfillment’.

Other faiths are addressed in the context of Catholic teaching. A respectful and tolerant approach to other faiths is fundamental to our mission. We have girls of different faiths who actively participate in our liturgies and assemblies enriching the spiritual life of our School.

Preps and Pre-Preps (Nursery – Year 6)

In order to deliver the Religious Education Curriculum Directory our Religious Studies syllabus for Foundation to Key Stage 1 is based on the ‘The Way, the Truth and the Life’ programme which is also followed in Key Stage 2.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

We continue to deliver the Religious Education Curriculum Directory (RECD) based on ‘The Way, the Truth and the Life’ programme.  We find this enables the girls to develop a deeper understanding of the historical and theological issues studied.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

As part of the core curriculum, every girl studies GCSE Religious Studies. We begin teaching the course in the Lent term of Year 9.

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

R.E. is available to take as an A Level.  Every student in Priory Sixth also follows a Core RE course. Like all our courses in the RE Department, this is based on the Religious Education Curriculum Directory (RECD).

Extracurricular and Enrichment

During the academic year, the R.E Department offer a variety of extracurricular and enrichment activities, including the following:

  • Young Philosopher’s Club
  • Jewish Museum Workshop

  • Visit of local Rabbi

  • Pilgrimage to St Bernadette’s Relics (Strawberry Hill) or similar

  • Faith and Belief Forum Workshops
  • A Level RS Masterclass (hosted by Oxford University)

Our girls have the courage and appetite to compete and the skills to handle triumph and disaster in equal measure.

Physical Education

The PE Department at St Augustine’s Priory is vibrant and energetic whose aim is to give all girls the opportunity to participate in a broad and balanced curriculum. We strive for every girl to achieve success in both curricular and extra-curricular activities working to the best of her ability and to gain an understanding of the role of sport in a balanced lifestyle throughout their life. Our teams consistently excel in local and national fixtures

Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 2)

We are proud that all students at St Augustine’s Priory are taught by subject specialists. Building fundamental movement skills are essential to a child’s development. During the Pre-Preps, girls develop foundation skills of running; jumping; throwing; skipping, alongside some Gymnastic, Dance and Athletic activities. As girls progress through the Pre-Preps, competition and more sports specific experiences are introduced to help to transition students to the Prep programme.

Preps (Years 3 – 6)

During the Prep programme, girls build on foundation skills and are introduced to sport specific skills and activities. We teach students skills which are transferrable across a range of sports so students have the tool kit to enjoy and participate in a range of activities from netball and football to Tag Rugby and Handball.

In the Preps we commence baseline fitness testing to monitor fitness against National Standards. Girls participate in activities such as Netball, Football, Hockey, Dance, Gymnastics, Fitness, Athletics, Rounders and Tennis. Swimming takes place at a local swimming pool from Years 3-5.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

Our focus during Key Stage 3 is to enhance sport specific skills and to encourage all pupils to undertake a healthy and active lifestyle. We teach pupils the principles of the games such as width, attacking strategies, defensive formations which can be transferred between activities. This allows girls to turn their hand to any game and approach them with confidence.

Baseline fitness testing continues to ensure we are encouraging understanding of health and fitness. Girls participate in activities such as Netball, Football, Hockey, Dance, Gymnastics, Fitness,  Tag Rugby, Athletics, Rounders and Tennis.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

PE is compulsory for all pupils in Key Stage 4 and can be taken as a GCSE and we are proud of our latest results which 60% of students achieved an 8/9.

At this stage, our focus is on the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle for the future, ensuring girls maintain physical activity in later life. We have workshops and instructors to give pupils a greater exposure to the different ways to stay healthy and active. Pupil voice is central to our delivery to ensure all pupils have a positive experience in PE.

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

PE is compulsory for all pupils in Key Stage 5 and our latest inspection highlighted the value which students place on this. The aims during this programme is both to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle and to provide a physical respite from studying.  Girls are encouraged to undertake leadership opportunities with junior age groups to support UCAS statements. To encourage participation, we have partnerships with Pitshanger Gym to give students the opportunity to access a Gym and improve their fitness.

A Level PE is also offered, a course which is diverse and challenging, incorporating Sport, Science and Maths. Students have attained grades from A* – C and many have gone on to study Sport at university.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

We are pleased to offer extra curricular opportunities for all students from Nursery to Priory Sixth. We offer a range of clubs before, during and after school to give all girls the opportunity to develop their performance in PE and Sport.  In the Pre – Preps we offer extra-curricular opportunities to enhance girls’ fundamental skills such as Gymnastics, Yoga and Tennis.

In the Preps our broad curriculum is supported by a strong extra-curricular programme. We offer all girls the opportunity to participate in fixtures as it is important learning for all girls. Clubs vary from Cheerleading and Gymnastics to Cricket and Hockey.

At Key Stage 3, the extra-curricular programme caters for girls who wish to compete and represent the school as well as girls who are participating for fun and enjoyment. Netball, Cross Country and Hockey are popular as are Football Cricket and Cheerleading.

At Key Stage 4 the girls are supported by a strong extra-curricular programme, incorporating both competitive and open clubs to cater for all pupils. The Priory Netball Academy caters for our top flight netballers some of whom play for Mavericks, London Pulse and Middlesex and it is a great aspiration for our younger netballers.

We run sports tours and trips to create opportunities for girls to improve performance and understanding including netball tours in Paris and Hockey tour to Holland.  Our girls have represented Middlesex and Ealing in the London Youth Games and we always recommend all students participate in sporting opportunities outside of school to further development.


We win tournaments and place cross country runners at the top of the field, for example in the Year 7/8 Ealing Cross Country Championships, the  NLCS Netball Tournament, the U12 Middlesex Netball Qualifying and U12 and U13 Middlesex Hockey Qualifying, the Handball Competition of the London Youth Games, the Year 7 Ealing Indoor Athletics Competition and the Year 8 Ealing Indoor Athletics Competition.

PSHEE allows for personal growth through a planned educational programme which enables pupils to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.


At St Augustine’s Priory, PSHEE, RSE and Citizenship is delivered through the curriculum and is an integral part of the pastoral support and disciplinary system in the School.  It is considered to be the curriculum context for the personal and social development of the individual, and underpins the whole education process.

The focus is on the development of the ‘whole’ person.  We aim to lead and stimulate our pupils to develop their full potential – intellectually, physically, socially, spiritually, emotionally, morally and aesthetically. Our programme reflects and supports ‘Helping Children Achieve More’ and is closely interwoven with the teachings of the Catholic Church.

We encourage pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the School and the wider community.  These activities, both inside and outside the classroom, are valuable learning experiences and allow pupils to develop their sense of self-worth as well as teaching them about their responsibilities.  They learn to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse multicultural society.

Principles and Values

St Augustine’s Priory believes that PSHEE should:

  • Allow pupils to understand and value themselves as individuals and as responsible and caring members of society in line with Gospel Values of Truth, Justice, Compassion and Forgiveness.
  • Develop a student’s knowledge and understanding of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle and be aware of safety issues.
  • Promote independent and active members of the School and local community.
  • Develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and assist students to make informed choices regarding personal and social issues.
  • Develop good relationships with other members of the School and the wider community.
  • Encourage students and teachers to share and respect each other’s views.
  • Recognise that the wider community has much to offer and we aim to work in partnership with relevant professionals and other School partners to deliver this.
  • Encourage respect for others regardless of race, gender and mental and physical disability.

PSHEE is delivered by Form Tutors and supplemented by a variety of engaging outside speakers.

Overall, religious education is one of the highest performing subjects in the school. Pupils do well at all key stages.

Religious Education


As a Catholic school, the St Augustine’s Priory curriculum for Religious Education is based on the Religious Education Curriculum Directory (RECD) for Catholic schools.

The primary content of all our RE material is the teaching and practices of the Catholic Church and the implications for the lives of children as pupils today and as citizens of tomorrow. We also study other world religions during Key Stage 3.

“Overall, religious education is one of the highest performing subjects in the school. Pupils do well at all key stages. Children enter the school with a range of skills and abilities which can vary from year to year, but are broadly average. They make excellent progress throughout the school and develop into very confident learners, displaying high levels of religious literacy.

Almost all Year 11 pupils gained a grade A*−C in GCSE RE, with almost two thirds achieving A*/A or Grade 8/9 , a proportion which is much higher when compared with their peers nationally.”

Diocesan Inspection Report

We aim to develop knowledge and understanding of Catholicism for pupils of all faiths. We present pupils with the teachings of Jesus, mediated through the teaching of the Catholic Church. Pupils reflect on what it means to have faith and develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding.

The Religious Education subject material reflects the three key elements of the Catholic faith:

  • That every human event is marked by the creative activity of God, who communicates goodness to all beings;
  • That the reality of sin limit and numb every person;
  • That the life and death and resurrection of Christ, communicated by the Holy Spirit, gives believers the hope of ‘fulfillment’.

Other faiths are addressed in the context of Catholic teaching. A respectful and tolerant approach to other faiths is fundamental to our mission. We have girls of different faiths who actively participate in our liturgies and assemblies enriching the spiritual life of our School.

Preps and Pre-Preps (Nursery – Year 6)

In order to deliver the Religious Education Curriculum Directory our Religious Studies syllabus for Foundation to Key Stage 1 is based on the ‘The Way, the Truth and the Life’ programme which is also followed in Key Stage 2.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

We continue to deliver the Religious Education Curriculum Directory (RECD) based on ‘The Way, the Truth and the Life’ programme.  We find this enables the girls to develop a deeper understanding of the historical and theological issues studied.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

As part of the core curriculum, every girl studies GCSE Religious Studies. We begin teaching the course in the Lent term of Year 9.

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

R.E. is available to take as an A Level.  Every student in Priory Sixth also follows a Core RE course. Like all our courses in the RE Department, this is based on the Religious Education Curriculum Directory (RECD).

Extracurricular and Enrichment

During the academic year, the R.E Department offer a variety of extracurricular and enrichment activities, including the following:

  • Young Philosopher’s Club
  • Jewish Museum Workshop

  • Visit of local Rabbi

  • Pilgrimage to St Bernadette’s Relics (Strawberry Hill) or similar

  • Faith and Belief Forum Workshops
  • A Level RS Masterclass (hosted by Oxford University)


St Augustine’s taught me that there is always space for women in STEM and it’s something that I’ve carried with me through University.



At St Augustine’s Priory Science is an extremely popular and well-resourced department. Situated in our own purpose-built laboratory block we engender a sense of independence and love of learning that our pupils take forward to all aspects of their lives; many of our pupils go on to study Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science, Engineering and other highly competitive courses. With our outstanding results we prepare pupils for their futures.

The Science Department aims to stimulate curiosity so that pupils explore areas they become passionate about.  Girls develop critical skills such as investigation, evaluation and application of information, which are relevant not only in Science but in everyday life; this engenders a sense of independence that is unique to our school.

At St Augustine’s Priory we enrich the pupils’ experience of Science by offering visits targeted to the individual Year groups. Annually we send the Priory Sixth pupils to the Institute of Education to hear a series of lectures which are at the cutting edge of all three disciplines.

Preps and Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 6)

Science is a core subject of the National Curriculum. The study of Science helps pupils to understand the world around them, to explain natural phenomena, to predict how things will behave, and to develop their natural curiosity. Scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding are developed through the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Pupils learn to use a variety of approaches to answer scientific questions and to understand the nature, processes and methods of Science. These ‘Working Scientifically’ skills are embedded in the study of the content and are developed throughout the Prep and Junior school, preparing them well for the study of Science in the Senior school.

Pupils are encouraged to ask questions and to evaluate and extend their learning in Science as far as possible.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

The Department follows a two-year programme of study which follows the National Curriculum for Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The course is designed to develop a firm foundation of knowledge, and skill set in preparation for the IGCSE course.

Years 10–11 (Key Stage 4)

Pupils follow the Edexcel International IGCSE Science course in Biology, Chemistry and Physics which is specifically tailored to build on the foundation concepts in Year 10 and develops the most advanced concepts by Year 11.

At the end of Year 9, our students can opt to take Triple Science. There is an opportunity for pupils to complete Exceptional Progress Tasks, ‘EPTs’. These introduce more demanding concepts and a solid foundation of knowledge which will give them a taster for A Level Sciences.

“St Augustine’s taught me that there is always space for women in STEM and it’s something that I’ve carried with me through University. My early interest in astronomy was inspired by teachers who were passionate about us learning for enjoyment and they nurtured my interest in space and physics by encouraging me to join the Institute of Physics where I could attend talks and network. I had many life changing experiences with lifelong friends at St Augustine’s and it will always hold a special place in my heart.” – BEng Aerospace Engineering with Space Technology graduate 2018

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

At A Level the Department follows the OCR specification for all 3 sciences.

Our Sixth Form Science students’ contribute to British Science Weeks with blogs being published by the Girls’ Schools Association.

Social Sciences

We believe that critical thinking is essential for learning.

Social Sciences


Social Sciences at St Augustine’s Priory consist of A Level subjects which are new to the girls; Business Studies, Economics, Government and Politics, Psychology and Sociology.

We believe that critical thinking is essential for learning. Given that there are seldom definite “correct” answers in the Social Sciences, our girls develop the independent intellectual skills which enable them to engage with complex real world issues and problems. The girls develop a curiosity for learning and an awareness of themselves and others and of how people function in widely varying groups, organisations and societies.

They learn to appreciate the significance of different beliefs, attitudes and values and the impact that these have on social, economic, political and developmental processes.

The Social Sciences allow pupils opportunities to develop both their written and oral powers of expression. Emphasis is placed on discussions, debates and presentations, as well as more formal, written essays; these are essential skills for success at university and beyond.

The girls are encouraged to make the most of the many extra-curricular opportunities available both within and outside of school; there is an active Model United Nations Society, a Young Enterprise Group and a high-level debating club, amongst others.

St Augustine’s taught me that there is always space for women in STEM and it’s something that I’ve carried with me through University.



At St Augustine’s Priory Science is an extremely popular and well-resourced department. Situated in our own purpose-built laboratory block we engender a sense of independence and love of learning that our pupils take forward to all aspects of their lives; many of our pupils go on to study Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science, Engineering and other highly competitive courses. With our outstanding results we prepare pupils for their futures.

The Science Department aims to stimulate curiosity so that pupils explore areas they become passionate about.  Girls develop critical skills such as investigation, evaluation and application of information, which are relevant not only in Science but in everyday life; this engenders a sense of independence that is unique to our school.

At St Augustine’s Priory we enrich the pupils’ experience of Science by offering visits targeted to the individual Year groups. Annually we send the Priory Sixth pupils to the Institute of Education to hear a series of lectures which are at the cutting edge of all three disciplines.

Preps and Pre-Preps (Nursery to Year 6)

Science is a core subject of the National Curriculum. The study of Science helps pupils to understand the world around them, to explain natural phenomena, to predict how things will behave, and to develop their natural curiosity. Scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding are developed through the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Pupils learn to use a variety of approaches to answer scientific questions and to understand the nature, processes and methods of Science. These ‘Working Scientifically’ skills are embedded in the study of the content and are developed throughout the Prep and Junior school, preparing them well for the study of Science in the Senior school.

Pupils are encouraged to ask questions and to evaluate and extend their learning in Science as far as possible.

Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)

The Department follows a two-year programme of study which follows the National Curriculum for Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The course is designed to develop a firm foundation of knowledge, and skill set in preparation for the IGCSE course.

Years 10–11 (Key Stage 4)

Pupils follow the Edexcel International IGCSE Science course in Biology, Chemistry and Physics which is specifically tailored to build on the foundation concepts in Year 10 and develops the most advanced concepts by Year 11.

At the end of Year 9, our students can opt to take Triple Science. There is an opportunity for pupils to complete Exceptional Progress Tasks, ‘EPTs’. These introduce more demanding concepts and a solid foundation of knowledge which will give them a taster for A Level Sciences.

“St Augustine’s taught me that there is always space for women in STEM and it’s something that I’ve carried with me through University. My early interest in astronomy was inspired by teachers who were passionate about us learning for enjoyment and they nurtured my interest in space and physics by encouraging me to join the Institute of Physics where I could attend talks and network. I had many life changing experiences with lifelong friends at St Augustine’s and it will always hold a special place in my heart.” – BEng Aerospace Engineering with Space Technology graduate 2018

Years 12-13 (Key Stage 5)

At A Level the Department follows the OCR specification for all 3 sciences.

Our Sixth Form Science students’ contribute to British Science Weeks with blogs being published by the Girls’ Schools Association.

We believe that critical thinking is essential for learning.

Social Sciences


Social Sciences at St Augustine’s Priory consist of A Level subjects which are new to the girls; Business Studies, Economics, Government and Politics, Psychology and Sociology.

We believe that critical thinking is essential for learning. Given that there are seldom definite “correct” answers in the Social Sciences, our girls develop the independent intellectual skills which enable them to engage with complex real world issues and problems. The girls develop a curiosity for learning and an awareness of themselves and others and of how people function in widely varying groups, organisations and societies.

They learn to appreciate the significance of different beliefs, attitudes and values and the impact that these have on social, economic, political and developmental processes.

The Social Sciences allow pupils opportunities to develop both their written and oral powers of expression. Emphasis is placed on discussions, debates and presentations, as well as more formal, written essays; these are essential skills for success at university and beyond.

The girls are encouraged to make the most of the many extra-curricular opportunities available both within and outside of school; there is an active Model United Nations Society, a Young Enterprise Group and a high-level debating club, amongst others.

Open Events
If you would like a bespoke visit email
Prep and Pre-Prep Open Morning –  School in Action
School in Action Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps for entry from Nursery through to Year 6 will take place on:
Tuesday 29th April 2025, 10am – 12pm
Senior Open Morning:
Entry into Year 7 and above will take place on:
Saturday 26th April 2025, 10am – 12pm