Bespoke Flexible Care for Boys and Girls
Our Nursery offers bespoke, flexible care for boys and girls from 2 years and 6 months until school age. We accept children joining us throughout the year, which affords parents the opportunity for a nursery place when the time is right for their child. Parents can choose extended day care (8am – 6pm) five days a week or any combination of day care (9am – 3.30pm), mornings or afternoons on different days of the week. We know that parents value the flexibility that this gives to their family life.
Our Nursery provision is Outstanding (ISI Inspection Report). Our staff are highly trained and exceptionally well qualified, which means the children experience an unrivalled quality of care and education. Every day we provide imaginative, creative and stimulating learning opportunities.
Nurturing and Learning
Our dedicated Nursery staff nurture and care for every child, getting to know them and their families in depth. Nursery staff start with the child’s interests and build on these to deliver exciting and creative learning and development opportunities which are deeply rooted in learning through play. Nursery staff are dedicated to communicating with parents, working together in partnership to ensure that children are thriving and making progress in their learning.
Our EYFS supervision is over the recommended ratio and Nursery pupils are taught by specialists in Music and PE.
EYFS Curriculum
In Nursery, we follow the EYFS Curriculum with its seven areas of Learning and Development: three prime areas – Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, Physical Development, and four specific areas – Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design. The development of the whole person is central to Catholic education. Our pupils know they are loved.
Outdoor and Physical Education – Waterproofs, Wellies, Unique Outdoor Environment and Ample Space
Outdoor and physical education is embedded in our daily activity – “There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing” –waterproofs and wellies are an essential item on our uniform list – so that Nursery children can learn and play outside all the year round. Our expansive and unique outdoor environment provides a rich, natural space for learning and developing young minds. Our Forest School and Physical Education sessions are part of our learning resources. Nursery children are taught once a week by our specialist P.E. teachers. In P.E sessions, we develop children’s gross and motor skills and coordination and teach them essential skills, whilst our Forest School sessions allow children to explore their natural surroundings using their senses to learn about the world around them.
Ethos and Unique
We are a Catholic school and as such we often say to the children that there is only one person in the world with their fingerprints. Each child is unique, and it is our task, with parents, to uncover the gifts each child in our care has.
Growing independence
Throughout the year, we focus on building relationships, growing in independence and becoming independent learners. In Nursery, we lay the foundations for transition in a nurturing and exciting learning environment making certain that our Nursery children transition seamlessly into Reception.
Entry into Nursery
We encourage parents to register their child as early as possible and details of timings and assessments for the next academic year can be found on the individual entry point pages.
Once a completed Registration Form is received your child’s name will be placed on the Applications Register appropriate for her age.
Candidates wishing to enter Nursery are invited to attend classroom assessments. All applicants and their parents from Nursery upwards meet with the Headteacher as part of our selection process.
For entrance into Nursery we look at candidates’:
- Confidence to undertake tasks
- Ability to follow simple instructions
- Communications and language skills
- Fine motor skills
- Social skills