Category: Prep

Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Column

8th July 2021

Racial Justice Equality and Diversity. We are pleased to announce that St Augustine’s Priory is participating in the Diocese of Westminster Education Service Racial Justice Equality and Diversity Continuing Professional Development online courses. These courses aim to ‘Educate, inform and inspire participants so they can actively work to achieve racial justice and equality in their…

Something to look out for…

8th July 2021

Our next Priory Farm Open Day. A date to mark in your diary is our next Priory Farm Open Day which will be held on Sunday 18th July from 10.00 – 2.00pm.  A chance to meet our animals and buy some eggs from our hens and ducks and produce from our allotment.  This is proving…

Prep and Junior Sports Days

2nd July 2021

A festival of sport. Following on from Senior Sports Day, the Nursery, Preps and Juniors have also recently held their Sports Days – a veritable festival of sport at the end of the Summer Term.  These events were tremendous events of sporting competition with a variety of athletic events taking place. Some pictures from Preps…

STEM Week for Juniors and Preps

1st July 2021

Science and Maths enjoyed by all. Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.  The Preps and Juniors relished these subjects this week with workshops galore, including ‘Wilding and the Return of Nature’ for Prep II – Lower I and ‘Green Engineering and Ecology’ for Upper I to Upper II. On Wednesday there was a Subject Revolution Workshop…

Feast of Ss Peter and Paul

1st July 2021

A Mass for the whole school. Tuesday 29th June was the Feast of Ss Peter and Paul, and a Holyday of Obligation.  We were delighted that Fr Alexander from Ealing Abbey came to celebrate Mass for us.  Lower II gathered in the Chapel and Lower IIA had done a wonderful job of preparing the readings…

Priory Farm Open Day

24th June 2021

The Secrets of Sheep Shearing. Sunday 20th June saw a mega-Open Day at our Priory Farm.  Visitors flocked in to meet the animals and the Trash and Treasure Farmers’ Market supplied refreshments in all their forms to our guests, together with other produce for sale, including Sarv’s Slice, the family pizza business which includes our…

Juniors celebrate St Joseph

18th June 2021

Lower II Alpha lead Mass. This year Father’s Day falls on Sunday 20th June.  Pope Francis also proclaimed this year to be the Year of St Joseph.  In honour of St Joseph, Lower II Alpha organised their Mass on 16th June, and filled it with tributes to St Joseph and to fathers. The Mass, celebrated…

New School Officials

18th June 2021

Priory Sixth Leadership Team 2021 – 2022. This week we said farewell to our current Upper VI.  They have been such an inspiring year and we wish all of them the very best in their future endeavours and thank all of those who have been the Priory Sixth Leadership Team, headed by Ljilja as Head…

Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Column

11th June 2021

The Inclusion Committee. We have received some wonderful applications from pupils eager to join the St Augustine’s Priory Inclusion Committee, which will focus on all aspects of inclusion and is part of our membership of the Schools Inclusion Alliance. We thought we would share with you extracts from some of the applications – inspiring comments…

Priory Farm Open Day and Farmers’ Market

10th June 2021

A day out for everyone. We’re just over a week away from our next Priory Farm Open Day, which will take place on Sunday 20th June from 10.00am until 2.00pm.  We’re looking forward to some exciting activities including sheep shearing and a great opportunity to buy limited edition pizzas from Sarv’s Slice, using produce from…