Captain Tom 100 challenge

Posted: 6th May 2021

Raising funds for the Cardinal Hume Centre.

Mrs McDermott, Head of Faith Life, tells us of some of the amazing things that were achieved last weekend when we took on the Captain Tom 100 challenge:

‘Over the course of the Bank Holiday weekend, many people throughout the UK took part in the Captain Tom 100 challenge, including students and staff here at St Augustine’s Priory.

At the end of the Senior school assembly, Mrs George led us in 100 seconds of silence in memory of Captain Tom. Throughout the day pupils also took part in various challenges in their lessons. Not that they are competitive (!), the PE department were exceptional with the range and variety of challenges they did throughout the day, from using 100m sprint as an example for revision for PE GCSE to Prep girls doing 100 star jumps!

Other departments also took on the 100 challenges.  For example, Lower IV scientists recited 100 elements of the Periodic table and in Maths they had to reach 100 using their birthdays. Form III scientists worked in groups to use 100 labels of the parts of the flower. Modern Languages asked students to translate the 100 most common words. In RE classes read either the first 100 words from Genesis or Mark’s Gospel.’

At lunchtime Mrs McDermott said 100 Hail Marys which were offered for the work of the Cardinal Hume Centre for whom we are raising money.

And, to top it all, Alessia in Upper IV, baked 100 cookies over the weekend!

If you would like to donate, please visit our JustGiving page.

Categories: Faith Life Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School