Cooking up a storm

Posted: 22nd January 2016

In St Augustine’s kitchen

In the words of Virginia Woolf “one cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well”. It is with much enthusiasm that staff and girls of St Augustine’s Priory nod in agreement with this statement, and of no surprise, therefore, that our food is of high priority!

To satisfy our demands, a small team of dedicated staff from Holroyd Howe have conducted a comprehensive review of our catering provision and have introduced some exciting changes.


A key focus has been on the quality of produce and choice. Louis, our Head Chef, explains:

“The variety of food types on offer represents our commitment to cater for individual girls’ needs. By preparing the vast majority of food onsite, we are able to tailor our staple ingredients; examples of which are gluten free stock for soups, and egg free pasta for vegan diets.”

This flexible approach complements an increase in choice. When asked about the changes in availability, Catering Manager, Ffiona, responds:

“We are here to listen. Considering feedback from Christmas we have immediately made changes, such as making vegetarian options available to all girls. With the challenge of delivering food suitable for such a broad age range, we encourage the girls to experiment, whilst constantly reviewing what is popular; the relaunch of our salad bar, for example, has been a great success and facilitates a balanced, nutritional diet.”


In support of efforts to improve consistency, strict performance indicators have also been introduced. Among other things, these determine portion size and the rate of replenishment throughout the lunch service, which, contribute to maintaining high standards on an ongoing basis.

Ever creative methods of introducing diversity, such as the rather exciting Australia Day booked for Tuesday 26th  January, have added a fresh dimension to lunch times in particular. The Priory Post features new catering themes and events, but for now one thing is clear: These recent changes and the passion of our team, means that the quality of catering at St Augustine’s Priory will continue to rise like Mary Berry’s lemon surprise.


Contributor: TFarmer

Categories: Whole School