Nursery Nativity

Posted: 3rd December 2015

‘It’s a Baby!’

Yesterday, 2nd December, our Advent season really got under way with the Nursery’s performance of ‘It’s a Baby!’ their Nativity production, which was a wonderful afternoon’s entertainment.  This took place in the Nursery itself which was packed, parents and other family members thronging the seats set out to watch the unfolding of the story of the first Christmas.


All the characters were represented and performed beautifully.  Against a backdrop of the Nativity, the cast of shepherds, innkeepers, kings, angels, the angel Gabriel, the shining star, Mary, Joseph and, of course, the donkey, all presented to us an enchanting, and very individual, Nativity play.


Nursery teachers Miss Slight, Mrs Morris and Miss Jackson had directed a unique production which displayed energy and enthusiasm from the cast.  Singing was a major part of the afternoon including the songs ‘Knock, Knock, Knock at the door’ demonstrating not only singing ability but also counting skills, ‘It’s a Baby’, ‘Lullaby’ and ‘Three Wise Men’.



The costumes were delightful; the wise men wearing crowns, angels with wings and halos, shepherds and innkeepers all looking the part, the star shining bright in a heavenly costume and the donkey dressed in a very realistic donkey costume.  The donkey and the star played their major roles to perfection as they respectively led Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and the wise men to the manger where the wise men laid their gifts for the baby Jesus.



Congratulations and thank you to all the cast and directors of ‘It’s a Baby!’ and also all the parents who helped make the Nursery Nativity a brilliant way to prepare for Christmas.


Categories: Faith Life Nursery Whole School