Lower II presents

Posted: 25th November 2015

The Blue Crystal


You may think that you are in November 2015, but no.  In reality…

‘In the year 4015 following the depletion of its natural resources, Earth’s life support systems and civilisation depend upon the Blue Crystal which powers a giant computer.  When the crystal is stolen by the Zarcons, a warrior race from a distant and dying planet, the people of Earth look to Captain Tor to regain the crystal and save the world.  Aided along the way by his crew, robots, a hologram, clones and aliens, Tor is finally confronted by the Zarcon princess – and a dilemma!’

So read the programme notes for Lower II’s dynamic production of ‘The Blue Crystal’ by Nick Perrin which took place on Tuesday 24th November in front of a packed audience of parents and other family members.



This production was filled with stupendous special effects, spellbinding acting and mesmerising music!  Energy, action and enthusiasm made it an evening to remember and the actors and backstage crew are to be congratulated on their superb show.



Directed by Mrs Murphy and Miss Gambrill with musical and singing direction by Mr Martin and Dr Higgins this show was well received by the audience and enjoyed by all.  With a set design that transported you into outer space, choreography that set the toes tapping and costumes that were design classics this, in the words of Mrs Tippen, Deputy Head, Juniors was ‘an intergalactic spectacular!’.  She added that ‘The Blue Crystal was an ambitious production and it succeeded’.



Or, in the words of Miss Johnson, ‘It was out of this world!’

Congratulations to Lower II and all who were involved in ‘The Blue Crystal’ on a superlative production.





Categories: Junior Whole School