Upper II and Justice and Peace

Posted: 7th November 2015

Investigating Hidden Sugar

‘We want to make a change’.  This comment from Sofia in Upper II encapsulates the motive behind the formation of the Upper II Justice and Peace Group.


Under the auspices of Mrs Tippen, Deputy Head, Juniors, this group meets every Thursday lunchtime to work on issues of concern.

Lucy said, ‘I wanted to find out more about what is going on in the world’ and Ananya added ‘I wanted to do something that would make something happen.’

During the first half of the Michaelmas Term the girls have been working on the issue of Hidden Sugar which aims to raise awareness of the amount of sugar in drinks that you may think are healthy just because the labels say they are full of vitamins or are good for you.  For example, a small bottle of Ribena contains twelve teaspoons of sugar, double a child’s daily limit of sugar. This issue has implications for the health of everyone with the attendant future health dangers of diabetes, obesity, dental health and the wider impact on the NHS.


The Justice and Peace group have already addressed a Junior Assembly on Hidden Sugar and are going to speak at a Senior Assembly on 16th November.  They are planning to raise the matter with our local MP and also write to the chef, Jamie Oliver, who is very concerned about the issue.

So, a lesson for us all as we reach for our next soft drink:  Think before you drink!


Upper II are now deciding on what to work on next.  Among the issues being considered are racism in football, child labour and children as carers.

This is a group to watch, they are interested, committed and keen to make an impact.


Categories: Junior