Upper I visits the Roald Dahl Museum

Posted: 19th October 2015

Discovering a great author’s work

On Wednesday 7th October Upper I visited the Roald Dahl Museum in Great Missenden where the girls explored the author’s life and work through the stimulating displays and activities. Although the girls are familiar with Roald Dahl’s books such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the BFG and The Witches, this visit to the Roald Dahl Museum allowed the girls to investigate his books in more depth and learn about the inspiration behind them.


Here are some comments from the girls in Upper I about their visit:

Mia Ivanovic says, ‘When we arrived at the Roald Dahl Museum we were met by a lady called Grace. She took us to Miss Honey’s Classroom where we left our things, then we went to the Boy Gallery- It was really fun!’  (Note: The Boy Gallery is where visitors can find out about Roald Dahl’s childhood and his love of chocolate).

Isabel Jeffries comments, ‘My favourite part of the trip was seeing how Roald Dahl thought of his ideas and how he made his stories. It was interesting visiting Roald Dahl’s grave.’


Lana Fazel adds, ‘I liked the part when Grace showed us Roald Dahl’s bones and when Zahra was pretending to be Roald Dahl, sitting in his chair! I also liked the fact that Roald Dahl collected Kit-Kat wrappers and made the foil into a silver ball that he kept on his desk.’ (Note:  Roald Dahl had a replacement hip and kept the original on his desk, together with some shavings from his spine).


Pavneet Dhalliwal adds, ‘I enjoyed it when we all went into groups and discussed how to make our own chocolate bar!’

Fern Mortimer says that her favourite part ‘was when we went to the Boy Gallery and there were chocolate doors and they actually smelled like chocolate! In some of the drawers in the gallery there were fake teeth and freaky fingers! There were revolting things on his desk!’


Finally, Beatrice Robertson comments, ‘You probably think that his life was good and everything but he actually had a plane crash and injured his spine! My favourite part was the machine that told you which book character you were. Best school trip ever!’



Categories: Junior