Calling all prospective Sixth Formers!

Posted: 13th October 2015

Reviews from the current Lower VI…

In advance of the Sixth Form Open evening on Thursday 15th October, some of the current Lower VI share their views on the additional subjects available to study in the Sixth Form at St Augustine’s Priory.  So, for those of you studying for GCSEs at the moment, do have a look below at the reviews of the subjects offered to you here for A Level study.

Government and Politics:


Claudia Bergin writes:  ‘Government and Politics is nothing I had ever studied before, but is a very interesting and engaging subject. Politics requires up to date knowledge of the government, encouraging you to engage in, and become aware of, the world around you. I am so glad I am studying it, as I have become interested in politics and how it affects my everyday life. The lessons are consistently thought-provoking, having debates and discussions rather than just putting pen to paper. I would thoroughly recommend this subject.’



Monica Hanna comments:  ‘I love Economics as it has increased my awareness of daily life; for example, I now shop in an analytical way! It’s very conceptual and complementary, in my opinion, with Science and Maths. Everyone has an instinctive knowledge of economics, and taking Economics at A Level helps you get to grips with it.’

Philosophy and Ethics:


Erin Costello reviews this subject:  ‘I enjoy Philosophy and Ethics as I gain a deeper understanding of where people’s beliefs come from and why people view the world differently. It has helped me become more open minded and reflect on the world and strengthen my own religious beliefs. We examine the fundamental questions of life and one of my favourite aspects of the course is analysing the different beliefs, opinions, and experiences of others.’

Business Studies:


Lora Jones says:  ‘I enjoy Business Studies as it allows me to learn many things that I can usefully apply outside the classroom. The lessons are always engaging and I love how they have expanded my thought processes in understanding what is needed to run a business.  This will be extremely beneficial for the future.‘



Mackenzie Parry-Bull writes:  ‘I love Sociology as it teaches you the different family structures and dynamics, allowing you the freedom to study independently and present to the class. We study society and think out of the box about challenges we face there. This also strikes up a lot of discussion with your peers and the teacher, which is great as it bring together the views of people who have many and varying backgrounds. ‘



Rebecca Shoesmith says:  ‘Psychology is all around us. After the first few lessons I have begun to learn how to analyse people’s behaviour and start to understand people on a deeper level. It has helped me in my daily life as I now understand why we do what we do. It’s extremely interesting and opens your eyes to a whole new deeper meaning of being human.’



Finally, Anna Cunningham comments:  ‘I enjoy Photography because I have learnt different techniques in using a camera that has helped me produce very clear photographs that can clearly and effectively illustrate the meaning of a subject.’

Find out more about the subjects on offer at A Level at St Augustine’s Priory at our Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 15th October at 5.00pm.

Categories: Senior Sixth Form