Priory Post 165 – Screen Your Story

Posted: 1st September 2015

Screen Your Story

Lower V pupil a winner of creative writing competition

Congratulations to Maddie Tipping, Lower VA, one of the final winners (and one of the four Highly Commended winners) of the ‘Screen Your Story’ creative writing competition (12 – 14 years old category).  Maddie was competing with over 600 other entrants and is one of those authors who have won the opportunity to have their stories published.


Maddie’s story ‘The Designer’ is published in the book ‘Stories from the Young’ published by Unicorn Press.   ‘Stories from the Young’ is now available from Unicorn Press at a cost of £14.99 per copy.  Details of how to order are at the end of this article.  This is a beautifully produced book, superbly illustrated and full of intriguing and well-crafted stories (including Maddie’s) and is to be recommended for any bookshelf!


At a gala event on Sunday 5th July held at the Olympic Cinema, Barnes, Maddie, accompanied by her proud family, was presented with her award by lyricist Sir Tim Rice.  Illustrious competition judges covered the worlds of film, television and writing:  author Michael Morpurgo, Paralympic athlete Ade Adepitan, actor and writer Alistair McGowan, film producer Jill Green, actors Stanley Tucci and Patricia Hodge, actor and comedian Jack Whitehall, author Mark Ellis, producer and author Ben Cavey and Zac Goldsmith MP.


The picture above shows Maddie with other winners, Alistair McGowan, Virginia McKenna, Patricia Hodge and Jack Whitehall

Maddie, along with the three other Highly Commended winners, recorded their stories to camera and these films were shown at the gala.

Maddie said, ‘I have always loved writing stories and this experience has definitely motivated me to keep writing.  I would like to recommend anyone who has a passion to take it further and not wait for opportunities to come to you’.

‘Screen Your Story’ is a competition held in aid of CMV Action, ‘a UK organisation of parents and volunteers who have come together to raise public awareness of Congenital CMV and to campaign for better prevention measures within our health service.  CMV, or Cytomegalovirus, is a common virus that can infect people of all ages. Once CMV is in a person’s body, it stays there for life. Most healthy adults and children will have no signs or symptoms and no long-term effects from CMV. It can, however, be very dangerous to unborn babies.  Congenital CMV is one of the main causes of children being born with permanent disabilities.’


Many congratulations, Maddie, on your achievement, and we look forward to reading ‘The Designer’ in ‘Stories from the Young’.

‘Stories from the Young’, at a price of £14.99 per copy, is available from The Unicorn Press.  Please contact Lauren Tanner at Unicorn Press to order your copy by emailing or calling Ms Tanner. Her contact details are and 01892 871413.


Categories: Senior