Priory Post 90 – Bear Hunt!

Posted: 26th August 2015

Bear Hunt!

Nursery and Prep I gather round the camp fire


Last week, on Thursday 12th February, Nursery and Prep I took full advantage of our Forest School and went on a bear hunt.  This involved wrapping up warmly, trekking to the Prep Meadow, setting up camp, building a camp fire (actually Mr Smith and Mr Mortimer were responsible for this aspect of the proceedings, but Nursery and Prep I oversaw the whole enterprise) and then hunting for the elusive bear.


Fortunately, the bear was found without too much trouble and was more than happy to join our intrepid explorers as they gathered in a circle around the old camp fire to enjoy hot chocolate and chocolate biscuits supplied and served by the Nursery and Prep I teachers.


Bear made sure that he visited every group of Nursery and Prep I children and shared the warmth of their camp fire and their hospitality before it was time for the children to return to school.



As Mrs O’Connell, one of our teaching assistants remarked, as she distributed the hot chocolate, ‘Nursery and Prep I like to share!’


Our pictures show our Nursery and Prep I enjoying the warmth of their Forest School and the company of each other and Bear.



Miss P Bani, Form Teacher, Nursery, with Bear and hot chocolate


Mr Mortimer supervises the camp fire under the watchful gaze of Nursery and Prep I

Categories: Nursery