Priory Post 75 – The Comedy of Errors

Posted: 25th August 2015

‘The Comedy of Errors’

School Production, February 2015

Take two sets of twins, add cross-purposes and several cases of mistaken identity and you have the farcical ingredients for one of Shakespeare’s early comedies.

Yes, there’s not long to go to our next senior school production, ‘The Comedy of Errors’ by William Shakespeare.  Taking place from 26th – 28th February at The Questors Theatre, Mattock Lane, Ealing W5 at 7.30 p.m. each night we are all looking forward to enjoying this production.

Girls are working hard both front of stage and backstage.  Whether as actors, props, lighting, sound, directing, costumes, stage management, set design, production, choreography or any of the other many roles that being associated with a production involves, over eighty of our girls are working hard to ensure that this production is a success.

This play follows a long line of recent productions which have taken place over the past decade at The Questors Theatre:  Bugsy Malone, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Calamity Jane, Fiddler on the Roof, Guys and Dolls, to name but a few, have all been staged and enjoyed by girls and their families and staff alike.

If you would like to book tickets for this show and are a parent, please visit to have the ticket fee charged to your school account.

If you are not a parent and would like to book tickets, please call 020 8997 2022.

Ticket prices are:  £12.00 Adult; £10.00 concession and £40.00 for a family ticket.

And don’t forget, there will be a fantastic prize for the family who buys the most tickets!

‘The Comedy of Errors’ promises to be an enjoyable and entertaining evening for all the family.  We look forward to seeing you there!



Categories: Whole School