Priory Post 55 – Head for the Day

Posted: 24th August 2015

Head for the Day

Miss V Morris takes on the challenge

After parental bidding at the Quiz Night auction, Miss Vita Morris, Upper IIA, was the fortunate recipient of the honour of being Headteacher for the Day, a role she undertook on Tuesday 11th November.

Miss Morris took her responsibilities seriously and conducted the business of running St Augustine’s Priory with dignity and efficiency.  Meanwhile, Mrs Raffray became a pupil in Upper IIA for the day and both she and Miss Morris dressed  professionally and elegantly for their respective parts, Miss Morris in a suit and Mrs Raffray in the uniform of a member of Upper II.


A sushi lunch in the Head’s office

One of Vita’s first duties was to be present at the two minute silence for Armistice Day in the Chapel at 11.00 a.m.  Junior girls marked this in their classrooms, but staff and Seniors attended the short, moving ceremony in the Chapel.


Mrs Raffray in the lunch queue

One of our Head for the Day’s ideas for the whole School was received well – all girls were allowed to have their hair loose for the day and not tied back.  Also, Miss Morris invited Upper II to dress as film characters for the day, a suggestion they took up with enthusiasm.

At lunchtime Miss Morris entertained a small group of friends to a lunch of sushi in the Head’s office and in the afternoon conducted two lessons.


Mrs Raffray at lunch

The first was a Spanish lesson in Upper IIA, where the class had to undertake a list of activities.  Miss Morris also asked them to underline the date in their exercise books, a task they had to accomplish in five seconds or they had to do 20 star jumps!  (Quite a few people had to do the star jumps!)

Following the Spanish lesson was an Upper IIA R.S. lesson.  For this, Miss Morris had organised the viewing of a film, ‘Mickey’s Christmas’, which Upper II Alpha were also invited to attend.


Film characters: two girls from St Trinian’s, Alice in Wonderland and a Smurf

As a finale to the day’s events Miss Morris gave everyone in Upper IIA five merit marks each!

Miss Morris shared her views on her day as Headteacher with Priory Post:

‘I enjoyed being Head for the Day, and my class liked it. I learnt that when you see Mrs Raffray walking down the corridor you think she is doing that, or is sitting in her office and is not busy.  But this day made me realise that being Headteacher is very hard work.  It felt really different and I felt in charge of everything, almost like the queen of the world.

It was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.’

And, finally, Vita Morris had some really good advice for us all:

‘The most important thing I learnt was keep calm and be patient with the students and if you do this your school will be a better place’.


Mrs Raffray hard at work in Upper IIA

Categories: Junior