Red Wednesday

Posted: 25th November 2021


A day to remember.

On Wednesday 24th November we commemorated Red Wednesday at St Augustine’s Priory with two Masses, one each for Seniors and Juniors and a Prep and Pre-Prep Red Wednesday liturgy.  Fr Thomas celebrated the Masses for us, which had been prepared beautifully by Lower IIA for the Juniors and Priory VI for the Seniors.

Red Wednesday is organised each year as a day when we remember and pray for those who are persecuted for their faith.  This is an opportunity every year for us to remember those who are suffering throughout the world for their beliefs, while we are so fortunate to be able to practise our faith freely.

Both staff and pupils participated in the day by wearing a red item of clothing or a red accessory, a wonderful way of showing our awareness of the plight of others.

Categories: Faith Life Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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