Lower IV Scholars

Posted: 6th May 2021

Presenting topics of interest.

Mr Elder here speaks on the recent activities of our Lower IV Scholars:

‘Our Lower IV Scholars have been meeting recently and giving presentations on topics of their own choice. It is amazing to see the range of interests of the students, as the most recent presentations testify: one on Prince Phillip and one on the Easter Rising of 1916.


One scholar gave a thoughtful overview of Prince Phillip’s life, focusing on his turbulent childhood and his scheme for young people, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. There followed discussion among the students on the monarchy and some conjecture on what the future might hold.

Another scholar had selected the Easter Rising as her topic – something new to many of the girls, and she supported her detailed study with some fascinating pictures.

The Scholars continue to meet, in year groups now, rather than as a mixed cohort, and their presentations continue to inform and provoke.’

Categories: Priory Post Senior Whole School