Heads Up…

Posted: 15th April 2021

‘Building Back Better’.

‘Heads Up’ is the podcast of Mr Matthew Burke, Headteacher of St Edward’s School in Cheltenham.  In episode 11 of this podcast, Mr Burke talks with Mrs Raffray ‘about what schools should be doing to “build back better” as we come out of the pandemic and look towards the future.’  Among subjects discussed are the importance of the spirit of innovation within education, the positive benefits of change and the sustainability agenda.  They also talk about the concept of renewal and the power that can have to enable us all to make a real difference in the world.’

To listen to this excellent podcast, go to episode 11 on  https://open.spotify.com/show/6t3dW2ZhX5jr19fp7eIqsg?si=z_9TijeLSd6TgKiCUWJk1g&nd=1

Mrs Raffray talks about how the past year provided us with the immense ability to provide the best for our students by enabling and empowering us to put through massive change very quickly and how we need to keep hold of the innovation and bravery that was a hallmark of the past year.

St Augustine said, ‘Do you wish to be great?  Then begin by being.’  Mrs Raffray speaks of how Catholic schools are good at emphasising how we are all human beings, not human doings!  It is important to examine who we have been each day, not what we have done.  We must have the courage to keep going with the renewal that the past year has brought; that out of the untold suffering we must continue to learn what we think is truly relevant to the lives of our students and the planet.  The aim is to nurture game changes, to rebuild – to ‘build back better’.

Categories: Faith Life Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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