Upper I and their Mass of Remembrance

Posted: 8th November 2019

Prayers for always.

At the Mass for the Juniors on Wednesday, which was beautifully celebrated for us by Fr Thomas, Upper I organised the liturgy and put a great deal of thought into their Mass.  The theme they took was ‘Remembrance’ as Remembrance Sunday is this weekend.  They made a wreath of poppies which was brought up in the Offertory Procession and which is now positioned by our Book of Remembrance in which staff and pupils can write the names of those loved ones they would like prayed for in this November month of Remembrance.  We thought you would like to read the prayers of the faithful Upper I girls so carefully and thoughtfully presented which brought such a depth to our worship this week.

Let us pray for all who suffer as a result of conflict,

and ask that God may give us peace:

for the service men and women

who have died in the violence of war,

each one remembered by and known to God;

may God give peace.

Lord in your mercy.

Hear our prayer


For those who love them in death as in life,

offering the distress of our grief

and the sadness of our loss;

may God give peace.

Lord in your mercy.

Hear our prayer

For all members of the armed forces

who are in danger this day,

remembering family, friends

and all who pray for their safe return;

may God give peace.

Lord in your mercy.

Hear our prayer


For civilian women, children and men

whose lives are disfigured by war or terror,

calling to mind in sorrow

the anger and hatreds of humanity;

may God give peace.

Lord in your mercy.

Hear our prayer


For peacemakers and peacekeepers,

who seek to keep this world secure and free;

may God give peace.

Lord in your mercy.

Hear our prayer


For all who bear the burden and privilege of leadership,

political, military and religious;

asking for gifts of wisdom and resolve

in the search for reconciliation and peace;

may God give peace.

Lord in your mercy.

Hear our prayer


We ask Mary, our Mother, to intercede for us as we pray,

Hail Mary, full of grace,

The Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou among women

And blessed is the fruit of thy womb,


Holy Mary, Mother of God,

Pray for us sinners,

Now, and at the hour of our death,


Categories: Faith Life Junior

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