Progression 2018

Posted: 20th September 2018

An annual celebration.

Our annual Progression dinner took place on the evening of Friday 14th September.  On this, our fifteenth Progression, the Upper VI leavers return to St Augustine’s Priory to attend a formal dinner with staff as they prepare to progress to university.  We always look forward to Progression marking, as it does, an important milestone in these young women’s lives.

After meeting for drinks in the Priory 6 Common Room the girls, accompanied by staff, ‘progressed’ along the Cloisters to the beautifully decorated  Pupils’ Refectory where their meal awaited.



The meal was a delicious affair, starting with cherry tomatoes, bocconcini mozzarella with warm egg, followed by roasted cod loin with cauliflower cream with the pudding being strawberry cheesecake with fresh strawberries.  After this the meal ended with coffee and mints.


The speeches paid tribute to the Upper VI who are now embarking on the next stage of their educational careers and included memories of her form’s time at St Augustine’s Priory from Abigail Buchanan, outgoing Head Girl, and speeches from current Deputy Head Girl Senior, Portia Laryea-Adu and Deputy Head Girl Juniors, Banu Ali.  Representatives from the current Upper VI attended to enjoy the event and to celebrate, with staff, our outgoing Upper VI.


We wish these young women all the best for their life at university; their years at St Augustine’s Priory will have prepared them well for this next challenge and we look forward to welcoming their return on many occasions in the future as members of the St Augustine’s Priory Association.


Categories: Sixth Form Whole School
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