Meeting Members of Staff

Posted: 27th March 2018

Mrs A Ross. 

We welcome Mrs Ross, who has recently joined St Augustine’s Priory as a member of our administrative team.

“I came from a legal background; I studied at Bournemouth University and practiced Family Law in the city. I moved to work with a company that is the largest private provider of schools in the UK that specialises in children with Autism and Asperger syndrome. Here, I controlled and maintained the policies in line with current legislation.

I have returned from a career break, where I raised my two beautiful boys, currently aged three and six. As an old St Augustine’s Priory pupil (I attended in the 1980s), I am really looking forward to joining the school and be a part of a joyful and thriving environment.”

As a returning Augustinian, we hope that Mrs Ross enjoys her time with us here!

Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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School in Action Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps for entry from Nursery through to Year 6 will take place on:
Thursday 1st May 2025, 10am – 12pm
Senior Open Morning:
Entry into Year 7 and above will take place on:
Saturday 26th April 2025, 10am – 12pm