Upper II Moving Up Mass

Posted: 7th July 2017

As we draw closer to the end of term, we celebrate all the girls who are moving up in the school.  This is a particularly important transition for Upper II, who will join the Senior school in September this year.  As the girls are well prepared to begin life in the Senior school, the transition is a celebration of their time in the Junior school and the friendships they have formed.  On Wednesday, Upper II celebrated their Moving Up Mass, a joyful service, the back cover of the Order of Service booklet showing a beautiful illustration of a book turning its pages from Upper II over to Form III.

After Mass, in their Songs and Certificates, the girls recited poems for the staff and parents, before performing their own rendition of ‘The Rembrandts’ I’ll be there for you, with amended and personalised lyrics.  Interim Headteacher, Mrs Collins, then spoke to the girls about their journey, and about how there are many turning points in journeys where we feel most fulfilled, such as moving on to another exciting stage of our lives.  Well done Upper II, and congratulations!

Categories: Faith Life Junior Whole School
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