Accounting and Awards

Posted: 5th October 2016

An eventful week for Priory6

Our series of inspirational speakers continued last week with the second instalment of our Priory6 programme.  On Thursday 29th September Mr George Tan, teacher and St Augustine’s Priory parent visited and spoke to the Upper V and Priory6 girls about how he became interested in Accounting and the challenges he faces when teaching it.  Mrs Macallister, Senior Teacher, has plans to make a new Finance module available to Priory6 girls, and this provided those interested with some valuable insights into the type of career path they could follow.


The girls try their hand at Mr Tan’s exercises

Mr Tan explained that when he was at school he became easily distracted, and that he had to find other ways to teach himself during these moments.  He learned that he could create new pathways in his brain by repeatedly making hand signals that didn’t already come naturally to him.  Mr Tan had the girls attempting to solve Maths problems and rewiring their brains with these complex hand exercises.  He appeared delighted at their quizzical participation and even ended his presentation with a Maths joke!


Receiving their certificates from Ms Hagerty and Mrs Raffray

The following day, on Friday 30th September, the Priory6 Common Room played host to another new feature this term – the Priory6 Awards Ceremony.  The girls sat eating bowls of popcorn as Ms Hagerty, Director of Priory6 (Sixth Form), played tongue-in-cheek ceremony music and read out the girls’ rather more sincere achievements as follows:

Claudia Bergin: For a conscientious approach to learning and intellectual curiosity

Elise Mercer: For leadership, maturity and being an outstanding Sports Captain

Eisher Sangha: For outstanding effort and whole school contribution

Anna Cunningham: For exceptional achievement for her publication in the Big Issue (see for more details)

Amy-Elizabeth Roye; For outstanding progress in Biology



Categories: Sixth Form Whole School
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