Priory6 students expand their horizons

Posted: 27th September 2016

Government and Politics

Our Sixth Form students are encouraged to develop a wider perception on their chosen subjects than can be found in text books. Strengthening a sense of intellectual discovery is an essential part of Sixth Form life.  Here, Mona Sharif and Rana Sumaidaie, two of our Upper VI Government and Politics students, write of a recent visit to the London School of Economics where they attended one of the lectures in the LSE’s autumn events programme:

‘On 22nd September 2016 we took ourselves off to the London School of Economics to attend a lecture on Politics after Islamism. The lecturer was Ahmed Dailami, an independent researcher working with the LSE Kuwait Programme on Development, Governance and Globalisation in the Gulf States. The talk considered contemporary events in the Arabian gulf such as the ‘Arab Spring’, the response of the international community and the rise of the fundamentalist terror group IS. It was a fascinating insight into the relationship between religion and politics in the region.


Attending university lectures is a great way to widen your perspective on current worldwide affairs as well as enhancing your general knowledge.  Lectures are free and are held every night during academic term time. A full programme of lectures can be found at:

All past lectures can be viewed as podcasts at: ‘

Categories: Sixth Form Whole School
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