A Musical Crescendo!

Posted: 15th October 2015

New Equipment in the Music Room

We are very excited by the new equipment which has been installed in the Music Room and which was available for visitors to view on our recent Open Day.  The Director of Music, Mr P Martin, writes about how this will change the way the girls are able to access the Music curriculum at St Augustine’s Priory.


‘We are delighted to have equipped the Music Room with a suite of state-of-the-art Apple Mac computers for the use of Music students throughout the Senior School.

All pupils from Form III to Upper IV will benefit from the opportunity to develop their compositional skills in a range of styles alongside the other key curriculum strands of performing and listening and appraising, and we are excited about being able to broaden the KS3 curriculum in this way.


Girls who go on to study Music at GCSE and beyond will start their course in an even stronger position, allowing the Music Department to build on our fantastic academic success with 100% A*/A grades awarded in 2015.

We will also be running a Composition Club to make these facilities available to any interested Senior girls outside class music lessons.’



Categories: Senior