Priory Post 175: Lower VI student seeks aid for refugees

Posted: 7th September 2015

Collecting for Calais, 7th September 2015

Rebecca Shoesmith, Lower VI, has taken the lead in asking us how we can help those refugees who are in crisis in Calais.  She outlines her plans here:

‘As you may be aware, the refugee crisis in Calais has been at the forefront of the news in the past week. Displaced Syrian and Middle Eastern refugees are living in a refugee camp in the vicinity of Calais, named ‘The Jungle’.  They are in search of a better, safer life after fleeing from conflict in their home countries. The British public has been vital in providing emergency items to these men, women and children and we would like to extend our efforts.

Calais Action is a charity that is providing convoys to transport items to Calais. I ask that pupils and parents bring in anything they can offer, and deliver them to the Prep Playground over the course of this week.  These items will provide the refugees with a more comfortable living environment. This would be greatly appreciated, and more so if you could spread the word among your friends, neighbours, churches – anyone in your local community. Calais Action has drop-off points all across the UK, so therefore if it is too much effort to bring these items into school, they can be dropped off at any number of these drop-off points which can found on their Facebook page.


Listed below are items which would be most welcome as donations, more are listed in the poster attached:

Badly Needed Always Needed
·         Shoes – Trainers or hiking shoes

·         Tents/Covers

·         Travelling Bags

·         Candles (or any other lighting equipment)

·         Socks/Belts

·         Jackets (NO wool)

·         Food (rice, sugar, flour, cooking oil, onions, garlic, spices, tomatoes, sauces/paste – NO pasta, oatmeal or couscous)

·         Tinned Food (peas, chickpeas, carrots, green beans – NO pasta)

·         Tracksuit Trousers/Jeans

·         Hoodies/Waterproofs

·         Shirts/T-Shirts

·         Leggings/Thermal Tights

·         Sleeping Bags/Duvets/Sleeping Mats/Blankets

·         Woolly Hats/Scarves/Gloves

·         Toiletries (soap, shower gel, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, razors, shaving foam, combs – Sanitary pads are no longer required)

·         Pots/Pans/Plastic Plates/Cups/Cleaning Products/Sponges



Whilst clothing is essential there really aren’t enough drop-offs containing food and basic living essentials; these are the things that are most needed! If you are intent on donating clothing please bring male or non-feminine clothing as there is enough women’s clothing. In addition, could children’s clothing be in a separate bag clearly labelled. If you have no items to donate, do not rush out buy some. You can donate online at  .  All funding will go to petrol cost, and any excess money will go to buy gas cooking kits over in France. I would ask that any parents who are available to transport donations on Saturday 12th September to contact me through the school at  heading your email ‘Calais Action’. Initial action is vital, and as a community I know we can help these vulnerable refugees.’


Categories: Priory Post