Priory Post 158 – First Holy Communion Celebration

Posted: 28th August 2015

First Holy Communion Celebration

Lower I’s joyous Mass

Our annual First Holy Communion celebration is always a lovely occasion.  This year, Fr Fintan Crotty, SS.CC. from Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Acton came to celebrate Mass for those who have recently received their First Holy Communion in their parishes in an event that enables all the girls to rejoice together with their friends and families.


Lower I girls had prepared the Mass with the help of Mrs Round, Lower I Form Teacher, and the Junior School joined them in their commemoration.  In addition, this year the First Holy Communicants were joined at Mass by their Faith Friends, girls in the Senior school who had recently been Confirmed and who had invited the First Holy Communicants to their Confirmation Mass earlier in the term.  They had travelled together in their journey of faith this year and it was fitting that the Faith Friends should be a part of this Mass.


At the end of Mass all Lower I gathered in front of the altar to sing their anthem, Panis Angelicus, a moving end to a beautiful event.


Parents and other family members also joined us in the Chapel and after Mass ended Lower I and their families and teachers gathered on the Chapel Terrace for refreshments and to enjoy the grounds before Lower I went back to lessons.



Thank you to Lower I, Mrs Round and Fr Fintan for a wonderful day.




Categories: Faith Life Junior