Priory Post 151 – Head for the Day

Posted: 28th August 2015

Head for the Day

Miss Olivia Barnard excels in her role

On Wednesday 3rd June Upper II pupil, Miss Olivia Barnard, triumphed as Head for the Day at St Augustine’s Priory, Ealing. After Assembly she set the Headteacher, Mrs Sarah Raffray, and members of her Senior Leadership Team a General Knowledge test with an animal theme, which was then marked by Miss Barnard and her classmates.  Miss Barnard was disappointed by the results but glad that she had set the test, commenting diplomatically, ‘I knew it would be hard but some of the answers were not what I expected’. The top mark in the test was achieved by the Director of Operations, Mrs Anna Maria Clarke.


The Senior Leadership Team sit their test….


Being Head for the Day was a birthday present from her parents who had won it at a Parents’ Committee fundraising event.  Miss Barnard said, ‘When I opened my birthday card and saw the note about being Head for the Day I sat there for ages holding the card just looking at it. I was so excited!’


marking the test

Olivia had arranged for her class to have a pyjama day, ‘Since Upper II is probably the best year there is I thought it would be good to treat them to a pyjama day’.  She ate lunch with a group of friends in the Headteacher’s office and in the afternoon attended a Digital Strategy Meeting testing new headsets and some education apps.  Following this she greeted Lower VI on their return to school following their public examinations.


The Headteacher, Mrs Raffray, commenting on Olivia’s execution of her role said, ‘I was very impressed by Miss Barnard’s performance.  I am glad to see that we are inculcating leadership skills at such a tender age’.


Directing the Headteacher’s PA

Miss Barnard said that staff had all been very helpful to her during her day.  Did she have any advice for the Headteacher, Mrs Sarah Raffray? ‘I would allow the children to test the teachers more.  They do it to us all the time so it’s fun to swap it around today’.


Miss Barnard was a popular and successful choice as Head for the Day and at St Augustine’s Priory we feel she has a great future in this field!


Categories: Junior