Priory Post 148 – Coverage in local media (2)

Posted: 28th August 2015

Coverage in local media (2)

Lower V and Lower IV initiatives

Two of our fundraising campaigns have received extensive coverage in the local media, both written and online.  In the Ealing Gazette of 22nd May, page three has an article entitled ‘School helps Nepal appeal’ focussing on our recent Building a Bridge to Nepal, led by Lower V’s initiative on 15th May to lay a line of £1.00 coins along the cloisters which raised over £400.00.

And in this week’s edition of the Ealing Gazette, Friday 29th May, page three covers Lower V’s follow-up action where, you will remember, Lower V girls, accompanied by staff, climbed Horsenden Hill on Friday 22nd May.  They have been pledged more than £500.00 for this great activity, a superb achievement.


Aisha Toussaint, Lower V, said of the walk ‘We all wanted to do something for people in Nepal.  It was a great walk – we didn’t just climb Horsenden Hill, we walked round and round it in a great loop.  We ran down it from the top and then ran up to the top again! This was a real walk.  It may seem like something small, but just by doing small things we can all have an impact.’

Mrs Sarah Raffray, Headteacher, said, ‘It is great that our girls took such an initiative, we’re so proud of them’.  Teacher Miss Hayden, one of those who accompanied the girls said, ‘These girls are a real inspiration – we’re following their lead on this.’

You will also find coverage of Lower V’s climb on

Also, for more coverage of both the climb for Nepal and Lower IV’s flash mob and bake sale initiative for Teenage Cancer Trust which took place on Thursday 14th May, go to

In addition to all this, on page seven of this week’s Ealing Gazette the flash mob and bake sale of Thursday 14th May is also covered.  This is in addition to the coverage mentioned in Priory Post 143 which said:

‘After fundraising so successfully for the Teenage Cancer Trust last Thursday, 14th May, with a bake sale and a beautifully choreographed flash mob they have received coverage in This is Local London.  Go to  to see the article.  This can also be viewed at

Our pupils are certainly an inspiration – we’re looking forward to next week, when the school community joins in Cancer UK’s 5k Race for Life at the Old Deer Park, Richmond.


Categories: Senior