Priory Post 117 – Life in our Sixth Form

Posted: 27th August 2015

Life in our Sixth Form

The future after GCSEs …

It is an exciting time to be going into our Sixth Form at St Augustine’s Priory.  We are improving and refreshing our provision for the Sixth Form with a new Sixth Form Study area, new computers in the Tribune area (next to the Sixth Form Common Room) and re-vamped IT provision in the Scriptorium.

Add to this a jam-packed programme of events, visits and trips to complement the A Level curriculum and our Sixth Form will be an even more stimulating and inspiring place to learn.


At St Augustine’s Priory we pride ourselves not only on the great examination results our pupils achieve, but also on the development of the whole person.  We delight  in sending out into the world young women ready to face the challenges of life with courage and faith and to contribute to the world they live in, developing their talents and abilities throughout their lives.


As we reach the end of the Lent Term and look forward to a Summer Term of celebrations and also examinations,

Katarina Krneta, a member of our Lower VI, here talks about her decision to stay at St Augustine’s Priory for the Sixth Form and sit her A Levels here.


‘Upper V is a long and stressful year and there are many important and emotional decisions that one has to make. One of these was whether or not to stay at St Augustine’s Priory or to go to another school. Many girls wanted to stay and I decided to investigate the reasons why.  Here are the comments of some of these girls:

“At St Augustine’s Priory there are so many opportunities to develop personal interests outside of the classroom.”

“You might think the Sixth Form is too small but really it’s a tight-knit community that I couldn’t live without.”

“The teachers understand you and do their best to help you develop as a person as well as a student.”

“The teachers genuinely care about us and our futures.”

“There is a warmth that I didn’t experience when looking at other schools.”


We are a family in the Sixth Form and although we are all strong-minded individuals we are also a collective and a team. We have learnt to work together, through events such as Feast Day and Charities Week where a lot of responsibility is placed upon us, and together we are able to deliver and make our teachers proud.


We are a community that supports one another through the good times and, most importantly, through the bad. I am so glad to have stayed because although Sixth Form life is not always dandy, it’s certainly made easier by all the Augustinians around me.

I wouldn’t ever change the decision I have made because I wake up every day, happy to go to school!’

We wish all the examination years well as they enter the Summer Term and face the challenges of their exams.


And do remember – Upper VI can anticipate a new, exciting career at university and Lower VI to continuing with their A Levels.  And with new and improved facilities in place for Lower and Upper VI and an exhilarating programme for the year ahead, we very much look forward to working with Upper V as they start the adventure that is the Sixth Form!




Categories: Senior