Ealing in Bloom

Posted: 4th July 2016

Lower II and Upper II guides to the grounds

On Tuesday 28th June we welcomed the judges from the Ealing in Bloom competition who had come to judge our grounds for this year’s competition.  The categories under which our grounds were judged were maintenance, plants, features and children’s involvement.


To show them round the grounds the judges were accompanied by Kara and Mattie from Lower II and Grace and Emma from Upper II.  After first visiting the Prayer Garden where, in answer to their questions their guides told them all about the time spent in the garden, whether for reflection or for RE lessons, the judges were taken to the Prep Meadow where they admired the layout of the meadow and were given a demonstration of the willow house!




Then it was to the orchard where the judges met our chickens and saw our various fruit trees.  After this they were treated to a knowledgeable discourse on our allotment.  Various classes have been working on the allotment and Kara, Mattie, Grace and Emma not only showed the judges pictures from the gardening sessions, but also were able to display their considerable knowledge on the allotment, from plants grown to irrigation methods and revealed that they were all interested in gardening outside of school.




We were very pleased to show the judges from Ealing in Bloom our beautiful grounds and we would like to thank not only the judges but also Kara, Mattie, Grace and Emma who were expert guides, being both professional and welcoming.



Categories: Faith Life Junior Whole School