Junior and Senior Dream Jars

Posted: 18th November 2016

Creativity around Roald Dahl

Mrs Van Der Merwe writes of some dreamlike activities the Junior School have been engaging in relating to the author, Roald Dahl.

‘Roald Dahl is one of the Prep and Junior School’s very favourite authors. This year marks 100 years since he was born.


In addition to the celebrations that took place in the school and inspired by the giant dream jars dotted round London this Summer all the girls from Prep II to Upper II have created designs for dream jars for the BFG.


They thought about the dreams that they would like the BFG to bring them and  wrote about, drew and coloured them. Their finished dream jars are now adorning the Junior Library walls and really showcase their imagination and creativity.


Not to be outdone, the Senior girls’ Art Club has also been creating dream jars made from glass cookie jars with recycled materials, polymer clay creatures and lit up with tiny fairy lights. Some of these are in the Junior Library but others are dotted around the school for the observant to spot.’


Categories: Junior Prep Senior Whole School