Designing a sports and leisure centre.
Ms Gandi, Teacher of French and Spanish, tells us of Lower IV’s Spanish design project, ‘Coming at the end of the module dealing with free time, ‘El tiempo libre’, the students were set the task of designing a poster advertising a sports and leisure centre. They also had to include a blog containing customers’ reviews, including those of Spanish athletes.’
This was a challenging task, but our Spanish linguists were well up to the task ahead, designing innovative and exciting centres. Members of the year commented that, ‘it was fun learning about Spanish-speaking Paralympian athletes’, and ‘I enjoyed the creative side of the project’. While two others said, ‘I liked using my imagination and decorating the project’ and ‘I liked using the near future tense and including what other people can do as well in the third person.’ One girl said that, ‘I found presenting the poster in front of the camera a bit embarrassing! It really helped with my Spanish speaking.’
Anaya commented, ‘I liked working together to make a lovely poster and I learnt lots of new phrases and new Spanish words that can be used in the future. I loved learning about the Spanish culture and I found it extremely interesting. Next time, I will add even more detail and put the opening times in Spanish to extend my vocabulary.’
Finally, Pola said, ‘I liked that we were able to use our creativity during the project. I learned some new vocabulary and improved my knowledge of time and writing in Spanish. It was interesting learning about the culture, because it can help us compare different countries and extend our understanding of a variety of places in the world. To improve, I would do more research and make our project more impressive.’