Upper V Thanksgiving Liturgy

Posted: 6th May 2022

Journeying and Thanksgiving.

The Upper V Thanksgiving Liturgy took place today, Friday 6th May, an event which saw Upper V pupils bid farewell for the summer as they embark on their study leave prior to their GCSEs before embarking on their A Levels in September.  This is the first year group for two years, owing to Covid,  to be able to actually sit their examinations and is a momentous time for all pupils, staff – and parents!

It was a bright, sunny morning as parents joined staff and Upper V to celebrate and give thanks in the Chapel.  Upper V pupils led the service which began with the hymn, ‘Shine, Jesus Shine’, a fitting hymn for such a glorious morning.  Simona read a piece from ‘The Labyrinth’ reminding us all that our life, ‘is a sacred journey…. We are all on the path’.

The opening prayer was read by Mattie and then symbols were brought up to the altar by Naomi, Sofia, Chantelle and Marija with Megan, Elodie, Helen and Lucy telling us all about each symbol:  a candle signifying Jesus, the light of the world and a Bible, the Word of God.  These were followed by the school crest, and thanks were given for all the gifts and blessings that Upper V had received through being part of our school community.  Finally, a globe was brought up reminding us all that, as members of the Body of Christ, we are part of a much wider community and should seek to always be guided by the light of Christ in everything that we do.

Naomi read from St Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, ‘Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice’ and Kyra read from St John’s Gospel, where Jesus commands us, ‘Love each other’.  The prayers of the faithful were read by Julia, Ariana, Holly, Raniya and Amelia, giving thanks for family, friends and school and asking for guidance and blessings throughout the future.  Thanksgiving prayers were read by Sofia, Ashana, Eva and Sophie, culminating in the core of what we should be thankful for, ‘Be grateful for this moment, for who you are, for the friendships in life and for the faith you have in God’.

Gifted musician Carlotta, then entranced the congregation with her truly beautiful playing of ‘Hallelujah’ by Leonard Cohen, and Katherine followed this with a piece entitled ‘Journey Ends – Journey Begins’, reminding us all of our journey through life.

Stella then read the Irish blessing,

‘May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind always be at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face.

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.’

After a rousing rendition of ‘You shall go out with joy’, Dana surprised us all with a lively rendition on the ukulele of the Bruno Mars song, ‘Count On Me’ which all Upper V joined in with, with gusto!  Mrs Raffray ended the service by speaking to all those gathered, words of encouragement which sent the girls on their way to their study leave, exams, and the future.

Everyone then gathered on the Chapel Terrace and enjoyed refreshments, chat and memories, ‘until we meet again’.

Categories: Faith Life Senior Whole School