Charities Week

Posted: 5th May 2022

Four causes to support.

Our annual Charities Week, held at the end of the last half term raised a wonderful £4,267.10 for the four House charities.   This is a wonderful amount which will be divided amongst MIND, the mental health charity; the Down’s Syndrome Association; SightSavers, the international charity which works to eliminate avoidable blindness and promote the rights of people with disabilities and St Mungo’s, the charity working to end homelessness and supporting people to rebuild their lives.  Four extraordinary organisations.  Thank you to everyone for your support.

Everyone in our four school Houses, St Gabriel, St Michael, St Raphael and St George, staff and pupils, threw themselves wholeheartedly into Charities Week.  Among all the activities, the Preps and Nursery decorated biscuits, led by Lower II, there was a dodgeball tournament, led by Upper IV, in which Juniors and Seniors took part.  The Staff took on Priory Sixth in dodgeball (and won!) and there was a Games Fair, led by Lower IV.  Kahoot was played, there was a Bring and Buy Book Fair for the Preps and Juniors, led by Lower I and Upper I and there were discos for the Preps and Juniors led by Upper II.

A Bake Sale, led by Upper V encouraged Juniors and Seniors to demonstrate their baking skills and, of course, there were the ever popular Junior Talent Show (led by Lower V) and the Senior Talent Show (also led by Lower V).  A Trashion Show featured, ably led by Form III, which demonstrated that fashion does not depend on silk and wool.  Let us not forget Assassins, the game of murder and mayhem which is always enjoyed, by everyone.

In addition to this, the Parents’ Committee raised £536.00 at their wonderful Quiz Night on 25th March.  Thank you to all who supported this event and the Parents’ Committee who worked so hard to make the evening such a success.

Categories: Faith Life Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School

School in Action Open Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps
(entry into Nursery to Year 6 only)
Tuesday 24th September from 10am until 12pm

Senior Open Morning (Years 7 to 11)
Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

To attend please click here