Student Council

Posted: 31st March 2022

‘You said, we did’.

Listening to and acting upon students’ concerns is one of the key functions of the Student Council.  This dedicated student-led body meets regularly throughout the year and takes the initiative to hear and put forward proposals coming from pupils.

Some of the recent proposals coming from the Student Council were:

  • Asking for a picnic area – there will be a designated picnic area on the field which will be available for use from Summer Term.
  • The Student Council asked for the school caterer to provide Halal food, we will offer Halal meat from the start of the Summer Term
  • In addition, the Student Council asked if there could be a form time activity where students write kind messages on paper and can stick them up on a noticeboard.

Our Student Council is shows that everyone has a voice and will be heard.

Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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