Oracy for Advocacy

Posted: 4th March 2022

Juniors and Seniors in partnership with other schools.

Monday 21st February was a golden opportunity for St Augustine’s Priory.  We had been invited to take part in the Oracy for Advocacy day at Westminster Cathedral, organised by EducareM.  Pupils from both Juniors and Seniors participated in this, part of the Building the Kingdom programme.  The pupils had prepared speeches on any topic of their choice and then delivered them to an audience of pupils from three other schools.

Mrs Eaton, English Department, reported, “On Monday 21st February, five girls from Form III to Priory Sixth travelled to Westminster Cathedral where they took part in an event called Oracy for Advocacy.  They had prepared their speeches on any topic and delivered them to an audience of three other schools.  They performed extremely well but also learnt much from the process.  This convention is to encourage the younger generation to use their voices for positive change. They will be going on to the second round where they will be given topics based on the tenets of Catholic Education, such as the dignity of the person, family, community, rights and responsibilities, poverty, dignity of work and solidarity.”


Mrs Eaton went on to say, that all the ‘speeches were exemplary and each pupil was given a comment of praise in the feedback from the judges.  I was truly proud of them.’

Miss Keane also accompanied the pupils and said that they all presented their talks extremely confidently, speaking clearly and then participated in group discussions with other children of their age.

The second round is in Westminster Cathedral Hall on Monday 21st March and the final round is on 29th June, where the children will speak again with local MPs present.

St Augustine’s Priory was proud to take part in this event in partnership with state schools across the age range, a wonderful way to build confidence in public speaking and in building the tools needed for advocacy.  The philosophy of the event is to bring up the next generation as advocates for the truth and for change – much needed in the world today.

Categories: Faith Life Junior Senior Sixth Form Whole School

School in Action Open Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps
(entry into Nursery to Year 6 only)
Tuesday 24th September from 10am until 12pm

Senior Open Morning (Years 7 to 11)
Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

To attend please click here