The Nursery celebrates

Posted: 4th February 2022

Chinese New Year.

On Monday the children in the Nursery welcomed a very special visitor as one of the parents came in to talk to them about Chinese New Year.  Tuesday 1st February was the start of the Chinese year of the tiger.  There are twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac and the children talked about this and discovered that they were born in either the year of the dragon or the dog!


The Nursery learnt all about the Chinese New Year celebrations and listened to the story, ‘The great race’. They also looked at authentic Chinese lanterns, decorations and lucky red envelopes. The Nursery reported, ‘We listened to Chinese songs, tried our best to learn Chinese words and used play dough to make pretend dumplings. It was a very special morning and we all loved it!’

Categories: Nursery Whole School
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