Visit of Bishop John Sherrington

Posted: 1st October 2021

Day of the Archangels.

We were delighted to welcome Rt Rev Bishop John Sherrington, auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Westminster, to St Augustine’s Priory on Thursday 30th September.

He celebrated Mass for us in the Chapel at St Augustine’s Priory where representatives of Juniors and Seniors were present, with Liturgy Prefects from throughout the school.  The Mass was of the Feast of the Archangels: St Michael, St Raphael and St George, fitting and appropriate as these are three of our four school House patrons.  The Mass was live-streamed to all classes and everyone was able to take part in this very special occasion.


We were also pleased that the Abbot of Ealing, Rt Rev Dominic Taylor, joined us and assisted Bishop John in the distribution of Holy Communion.  Several of our Governors were also present – it was wonderful to see so many friends on this occasion.

In his homily Bishop John spoke of how we were an oasis in this part of London and how part of what we do is to bring joy to transform the world.  His sense of how we reflect on our work as Augustinians was very moving.  He also said how pleased he was to see how the pupils here gain in wisdom, not just in the academic subjects but also in the wisdom of the Gospel and how this is part of our mission to serve others.

The readers of the readings and prayers of the faithful performed their duties with great clarity and meaning and the Form III choir who sang ‘Amazing Grace’ during Holy Communion provided us with beautiful music to reflect to.

Following Mass, Bishop John, Fr Abbot and the Governors joined pupils, Mrs Raffray and staff for refreshments where he was presented with a gift and a card featuring a portrait of the school and grounds which had been drawn by talented Priory Sixth artist, Adriana.

So many contributed to the success of this day: Liturgy Prefects, the Head Girl, the Form III choir and the many members of staff who had worked hard to made this day the success it was.

Thank you to Bishop John for coming to St Augustine’s Priory – we hope that this is the first visit of many!


Categories: Faith Life Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School