Upper II Liturgy Monitors

Posted: 28th September 2021

Leading Assembly.

Our Upper II Liturgy Monitors led the Junior Assembly on Monday 27th September.  Mrs Round reports,

‘The newly appointed Junior Liturgy Monitors led the Junior Gospel Assembly on Monday and in so doing reminded girls about how to plan a pupil led Collective Worship in their own classrooms.

We are very proud of our Liturgy Monitors, who gave their time so generously on Saturday at the school’s Open Day, and spoke confidently and with authority at Assembly.  What fantastic role models for our school!’

Ms Keane continues, ‘Our Liturgy Monitors explained the four elements of Collective Worship – Gather, Word, Respond and Mission.

We gathered together and made the Sign of the Cross. Liturgy Monitors helped us to come into Chapel, genuflect and take our seats respectfully.

They read to us the Scripture of the Good Samaritan and we reflected on how we can serve others with small acts of kindness.  We prayed together, led by our Liturgy Monitors, reflecting on the Scripture we had listened to.

Liturgy Monitors encouraged us to think about our Mission – what this meant for us in our daily lives, who we could help and how we could help them.’

Categories: Faith Life Junior Whole School