GCSE Results 2021

Posted: 13th August 2021

Great results.

The GCSE results achieved by the pupils demonstrate how hard work and perseverance pays off.  Girls have worked alongside teachers in this ‘new normal’ year and have shown how, even with lockdowns, great GCSE results were accomplished.

Despite all the interruptions and uncertainties of the past year, Upper V pupils have shown focus and commitment in their studies and rose to the challenges that this year threw at them with great courage.


This set of results shows that they are ready for anything the future might throw at them!

St Augustine’s Priory conducted uninterrupted teaching through on-site classes and, during lockdowns, delivered an excellent remote teaching and learning programme.  Education continued uninterrupted throughout the year so that girls could achieve their maximum potential.

The school is delighted with this year’s GCSE results and are proud of the achievements of all of its students.

Headteacher Mrs Raffray commented, ‘We are as delighted with those whose grades range across the spectrum as we are with those who nailed the top grades across the board. I hope they and their parents enjoy this day, celebrating and noting all that they have done and are.’

Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School

School in Action Open Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps
(entry into Nursery to Year 6 only)
Tuesday 24th September from 10am until 12pm

Senior Open Morning (Years 7 to 11)
Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

To attend please click here