The ICAEW BASE Challenge

Posted: 25th June 2021

  Our Sixth Form Finalists.

We are now able to report on the results of the BASE challenge organised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).  Mrs Bennet, Head of Maths, reports on the National Final of the ICAEW Base Challenge.

‘To the backdrop of cheering from the sports field (Senior sports day on 16th June), our intrepid team of three Sixth Formers took part in the 2021 National Final of this competition.  The earlier rounds had whittled the entrants down from over 5,000 pupils from 550 schools to just 24 teams.  Representing St Augustine’s Priory were Melissa, Sofia and Mia (Captain).


The countdown began at 1:30pm, with teams logging on remotely (due to Covid restrictions) and the timed challenge getting under way at 2:20.  Our team faced seven questions with options A, B and C to choose from as possible solutions.  The questions were based on adaptability, commercial awareness, planning, communication, leadership, ethical reasoning and integrity. Our team scored a fantastic six out of seven.

Whilst we may not have won – the winner was the Henrietta Barnett School and the runner up was Walthamstow Hall School – it was a great experience for the students.  The questions posed in the challenge were thought-provoking and it was far from easy to decide on the best strategy when facing such dilemmas.  Participation in the initial rounds, and qualification for the final are successes that can be used in UCAS applications and to demonstrate ambition and drive to potential employers.  Well done to our team.’

Categories: Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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