Juniors celebrate St Joseph

Posted: 18th June 2021

Lower II Alpha lead Mass.

This year Father’s Day falls on Sunday 20th June.  Pope Francis also proclaimed this year to be the Year of St Joseph.  In honour of St Joseph, Lower II Alpha organised their Mass on 16th June, and filled it with tributes to St Joseph and to fathers. The Mass, celebrated by Fr Alexander from Ealing Abbey, was a fitting celebration and the girls had put a great deal of thought into its preparation.

Readers of the readings and bidding prayers were very well prepared and the bidding prayers spoke eloquently to the theme of the Mass:

‘Let us pray for all the fathers who aren’t able to see their families at this time. Let us continue to spread our love.’

‘We pray for all the fathers that are working incredibly hard to provide food and an income for their loved ones. We also pray for the fathers who have not been able to do this for their families this past year.’

‘We pray for the people that have helped us during this past year, and for the fathers who have cared for us in spite of these times. Let us pray for them.’

‘We pray for the people that have passed away with no family to support them during this pandemic, and for those who have lost their loved ones during this time. May they rest in eternal peace.’


Although only Lower II were present in the Chapel, all other Juniors were able to participate in the Mass as it was live-streamed to their classrooms.  This was a great way to honour St Joseph and all the fathers he represents.

Categories: Faith Life Junior Prep Whole School

School in Action Open Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps
(entry into Nursery to Year 6 only)
Tuesday 24th September from 10am until 12pm

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Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

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