Jack’s Adventure.
Miss Wiley, Form Teacher Upper I, tells us of ‘Fee Fi Fo Fum’ the splendid Upper I production that took place before the Half Term break.
‘Fee, Fie, Fo, Fum explores the adventure of Jack and the Beanstalk. However, as a strong, empowered female class, we all enjoyed putting a spin on a classic tale. Upper I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and rehearsed so maturely to produce a production worthy of being on Broadway.
Upper I were so eager to get rehearsing: they sang brilliant songs, some favourites in the class were “Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum” and “Three measly beans”. Throughout rehearsals, we shed so many laughs and we grew closer together as a class, and we created memories that will stay with us throughout our lives.’
Kaira commented, “Fee, Fie, Fo Fum is a production about Jack and the Beanstalk. I think it was hard work, but it was worth it!” and Kao added “Everyone was wearing cool character costumes, and I wore a butcher’s costume! I had lots of fun acting on stage!”
Congratulations to all Upper I on a wonderful show!
Categories: Junior Whole School