Upper IIA Mass

Posted: 22nd April 2021

Looking forward to Earth Day 2021. 

Upper II prepared a beautiful Mass on Wednesday 21st April, which was celebrated by Fr Thomas.   Girls had practised the readings well and written some lovely bidding prayers.  The first reading was from the Book of Acts recounting the early days of the Church and the Gospel was all about Jesus proclaiming, ‘I am the bread of life.  He who comes to me will never be hungry; he who believes in me will never thirst’.

The responsorial psalm looked forward to Earth Day 2021, which was the next day, on 22nd April.  The response to the psalm was, ‘Cry out with joy to God, all the earth’, a very appropriate response!  Thank you to Upper II who made this celebration such a joy to attend.

Categories: Faith Life Junior Whole School
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