Woman of the Mount

Posted: 25th March 2021

Poetry for World Meteorological Day.

Monday 23rd March was World Meteorological Day.  It is fitting that Megan in Lower V recently composed this poem expressing timely concerns over climate change.

Woman of the Mount

Her fingers, made rough by the years of wisdom,

brushed through Her gentle white waves.

Softly singing, Her sighs echoed around Her,

Into the depths of cracks and caves.

Her eyes, darkened by the sights She has seen,

Gazed across winding rivers hidden in the depths of deep ravines.

No bird could sing its melody here,

No animal could even be seen.

For a beast had come and taken the life away,

Its hunger for more never fulfilled

Its ravenous heart filled with greed and hatred,

Into the mountains it had overspilled.

All that’s left in the winding valleys,

Is the Woman of the Mount whistling Her tune.

A tune so mournful for the life that was lost,

It makes anyone feel an impending doom.

Categories: Senior Whole School