Spring is in the air

Posted: 24th March 2021

The grounds at St Augustine’s Priory.

Spring is beginning to show itself in the grounds at St Augustine’s Priory.  The trees are in bud and the daffodils are in full bloom.  The farm animals are enjoying the warmer weather and we look forward to welcoming lambs in due course.

This is always a time to treasure as we see the days get longer and the winter weather gradually retreat.


Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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Prep and Pre-Prep Open Morning –  School in Action
School in Action Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps for entry from Nursery through to Year 6 will take place on:
Tuesday 29th April 2025, 10am – 12pm
Senior Open Morning:
Entry into Year 7 and above will take place on:
Saturday 26th April 2025, 10am – 12pm