The Echo

Posted: 12th March 2021

Reducing our Carbon Footprint.

Ariana in Lower V, a member of the St Augustine’s Priory Senior Eco-Committee, has produced the latest article for The Echo, on how to reduce our carbon footprint.

‘Last year, our school took part in two projects – one was to think of innovative ideas to reduce our carbon footprint and the other one was to measure our school’s carbon footprint. This year, we are going to recalculate our carbon footprint as a community to see the impact that lockdown has had on it.

To calculate our carbon footprint this year we will be using the same online calculator that the girls used last year and using all of the bills for electricity, food waste, water and gas at our school to gather all our data together. This data last year was presented in a poster that Sheyda and Anna did. They were supposed to go along to the Spring Conference with their findings but due to the pandemic and lockdown, they had to prepare a video instead. This year, we realise that we may not be able to get data ready for a conference, but we are hoping to have some interesting findings in comparison with last year’s data.’


Categories: Senior Whole School
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