Form III have fun

Posted: 5th February 2021

Learning through activity.

There are many ways of learning, and by no means to all of them involve a computer!  An example of this is how Form III have been expanding their theological knowledge as they learn about the seven sacraments.  As Mrs McDermott says, ‘Form IIIA have been having some crazy fun in RE!  To help them remember the seven sacraments one girl, Arianna,  created a great mnemonic – HOBCREAM:

  1. Holy


  1. Baptism
  2. Confirmation
  3. Reconciliation
  4. Eucharist
  5. Anointing of the sick
  6. Marriage’

To get them off the screens and active Mrs McDermott set the girls of Form IIIA a challenge…they had to find items around the house beginning with those letters and then take a selfie with all the items.



Mrs McDermott continues, ‘When Arianna saw the slide of me with these items, she thought she had joined a weird Google Meet!  Anaya said her sister was wondering what on earth she was up to gathering different things from around the house!

By the end of the lesson, the girls had managed to find an interesting range of items as you can see from the photos attached.

Let’s just hope it worked and they can remember all seven sacraments next lesson!’

Categories: Faith Life Senior Whole School

School in Action Open Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps
(entry into Nursery to Year 6 only)
Tuesday 24th September from 10am until 12pm

Senior Open Morning (Years 7 to 11)
Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

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